How to Apply iOS Menu in LG K42 - Download and Install iOS Launcher By HardReset.Info

By HardReset.Info
Aug 15, 2021
How to Apply iOS Menu in LG K42 - Download and Install iOS Launcher

Welcome, if you want to get iOS launcher on your lgk42 at first, you have to go for the play, store next tap on the search pool and type iOS launcher. We are going to get this application from looting, developer, launcher, is14 right now, just wait until it finish download, let's open, accept all the permissions and right now we have to go for the home screen, so make this gesture right now, move to the settings, click on the apps move to the default, apps and click right now or the home application, and switch to iOS launcher 14. Right now, at the top that we got it and as you can see right now, we are here with this iOS launcher. For example, we can edit the widgets on the screen. You can add these widgets here and, of course you can also try to edit icons, and if you enter this launcher one more time, you can adjust a lot of things like, for example, you can add the control center by going here, and also we can change blue effects animation. So there's a lot of things that you can customize, and I hope that you are going to enjoy this one.

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Source : HardReset.Info

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