Google Pixel 3aXL | Gaming Phone Powerhouse? By J. Williams

By J. Williams
Aug 14, 2021
Google Pixel 3aXL | Gaming Phone Powerhouse?

I did again I, don't play pub G, so free guys who watching this video? If you comment say why don't you play pop G? That means you definitely did not listen to this video at all. All right folks. This phone handles gaming, pretty well. I really didn't know what to expect with a snapdragon 670, and you know again my gripes at the beginning. Before having this phone in hand, I know I was getting the phone, but you know I, just that's an Amen if your indifferent about what it would do. These games, don't look like they're, really graphic intensive games, but they really are because I have other phones that don't play them as smooth.

Obviously those phones might have a lower processor, but this phone definitely handles gaming. Pretty well I know you guys are going to say you need to play pub G, but I, don't know how to play pub. She don't I'm, not really that type of gamer. You know I'm, saying so, I've seen online that some people say that this phone can't handle pub G. But that's neither you know there.

It can handle some pretty graphic intensive games, the shadow fighter, three, the shadow fighter, 3 the other ninja game, or you know, swordsman game as planned. That game plays like that on every phone that I have even this an app track at 8:55, the Snapdragon 8 45 it plays on the plays on almost all these games, I have on other phones. That is why I tested them here. So this is a is a good processor is holding his own. I haven't had any problems with it with the gaming I installed all these games the day that I got the phone, but I didn't fire them up until today and some summer, you can see the length of what it takes to load.

This baseball game takes a long time to load on every phone. However, on phones with more RAM- or you know, phones with faster processors, it blows it really fast so on the g8. Obviously, Italy really fast on the pixel 3 Italy really fast, but I think this phone right here, the more I might use it I'm coming to the reality that is now I've, never been a test, a really a guy who focused on specs, but when I saw the $480 price tag for this snapdragon 670 I felt like man, you know: that's that's squeezing it man, you know and as again as a techie I'm always going to pick it apart for the entire package, but for the average consumer, I think I'm coming to the realization that I need to, and I guess, I've gotten away from thinking like an average consumer, like I thought, I did. But this phone is awesome. So far, man I mean um I'm, not just saying I'm, not just saying that, because I think some people posted on Twitter or you know, people are changing in my knowledge because they got it for free, that's gonna.

Do it I'm a pretty neutral guy across the board. I still feel like this phone could have been priced lower. Considering that it's all plastic- and you know it has a headphone jack whatever, but there's just some things- other phones you can get that are just as good and I agree with the people online that are saying is more than cameras, you're, absolutely right. But unfortunately, that argument goes to deaf ears, because people use their cameras on their phone a lot, the social media age. This is what it's about you know, so I really feel like this phone and the Pixel 3a they're good.

They should be a hit. You know the price is geared towards people who didn't want to buy the other pixels pretty much though the other pixels, you know, they're their price high man, those pixels are high in price. That's just to face them, and I've said that since day, one this phone right here cost 800 bucks, and this is a small version. Well, you can pick if I'm selling, these phones to a person, I'm gonna, tell them hey, listen, get this one right here or get the other one for 400, yeah, I'm, saying it's a matter of Google is now I. Think Google hit a realization and they're catching the heat, and so they say you know what we better hurry up and fix this situation now.

One thing I will say is that current pixel owners, the pixel 3 owners, I still think some of them might be a little heated because of the things that this phone can do at a lower price point. Honestly, folks, I really don't see any difference in performance than the regular pixel 3, and that's just what it is, so I don't know. You know this. Is this a good phone so far battery life is good, but these videos about gaming and performance for gaming I did again I. Don't play pub G so for guys who watching this video? If you comment and say why don't you play pub G? That means you definitely did not listen to this video at all.

So thank you guys for stopping by man and I really appreciate it. The phone is awesome so far man, it's this awesome, I'm, not even going to front. It's. It's really awesome yeah! It's its a good phone! Furthermore, it's a good phone hope. You guys enjoy the video, and I'll see you in the next one.

Take care.

Source : J. Williams

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