If, the launch of the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 comes the much expected fortnight to Android inform of a timed exclusive. Despite our expectations, it's only going to be exclusive for two days. The better for Samsung phones will launch today. So you can download the game through the Samsung game, launcher and skip the close, better application. Everyone else without a Samsung phone can apply for it after these two days, but have to get it mi tad. Furthermore, Samsung owners will get exclusive Bond like a galaxy man skin.
At this point, I want to talk about how smart this time exclusivity deal is since I expected 30 days or more, but two days seems to be utterly pointless. At least it got the phone some good publicity. However, since it's actually a great phone on the note 9, the game runs smoothly without any legs and problems. The cool thing is that you can use the new S Pen to aim more precisely and shoot by using the button. We know the game will be available through the Samsung game launcher, but all other Android users will notice that the Google Play Store won't list the game.
After the launch, epic announce that the game can only be downloaded on their own website and the Samsung game launcher this caused quite a stir, since people are already extremely invested in the idea of using app stores, since they believe it's more secure. This, in fact, doesn't really make sense, since installing apps, through site loading, isn't less secure. If you download the applications from the developers website and not from a third-party website, there are even still many apps in the Play Store that are infested by malware. So you can run into pretty much the same risk here now. What epic did is nothing new and something that other publishers already tried, but fortnight might actually be the game to change the App Store system, as we know it and might cause developers to get brave enough to break out of the Google Play Store.
This would give them the advantage that they can use their own business models instead of being restricted by Google, which allows them to get more innovative, and they would also save the 30% fees which has to be paid to Google. One might argue that this would mean that games wouldn't get enough publicity or exposure anymore, but, to be honest, the overview and the highlighting on the Google Play Store is horrendous. To begin with, so f developers might be better off trying to get out anyway. If you liked this video feel free to give us a like a device to this, like button is right. Next to it, don't forget to subscribe, so you don't miss any future content.
Thank you very much for watching. My name is Amit for mobile geeks.
Source : Mobilegeeks.de