Samsung Galaxy S20 Vs iPhone 11 CAMERA TEST! (Photo Comparison) By Simple Alpaca

By Simple Alpaca
Aug 14, 2021
Samsung Galaxy S20 Vs iPhone 11 CAMERA TEST! (Photo Comparison)

All right everyone we're going to be doing another camera comparison between the iPhone 11 and the Samsung Galaxy s.20 now I promise you guys I would do this, and I eventually did it. So don't get mad at me. Now this one might be a little different, because I already had a pre-existing connotation at the Samsung Galaxy s, 20 plus or Samsung Galaxy s.20 was going to be better and in some cases it wasn't some cases. It wasn't to be honest. Now, in terms of the hardware, the iPhone 11 has two 12 megapixels: sensors, sensors, 12, megapixel wide-angle lens and then a 12 megapixel ultra light sensor with the Samsung Galaxy s, 20 has a single 12, megapixel wide-angle lens a 64, megapixel telephoto lens and then an additional 12 megapixel ultra-wide sensor. So in terms of that, the Samsung Galaxy has 20 already kinds of wins in terms of the hardware, but that doesn't necessarily correlate to the actual software or the pictures that you're going to see at the end of it and like I, said before.

I think output is a really, really good job in terms of the actual photos and everything that it takes and in terms of the back end, which is a perfect thing that Apple has going for them. So in terms of that I mean Samsung, definitely has the better hardware, but the Samsung Galaxy S 20 also has the ability to shoot 8k videos, which is super impressive. The iPhone 11 does not support that, and in this video I did not shoot 8k videos, because all these videos are intended EP and that's not really fair for the iPhone 11, because it doesn't have that capability. So I can't really do that in this case and I felt like it was kind of unfair, but it's totally ok, the s20, already kind of has that not only no higher camera resolutions but also the better camera Hardware I feel like with the additional telephoto lens and now that we had that preliminary stuff out of the way. Let's go and look at the photos so now, I have them both pulled up and, as you can see, the iPhone 11 photo will always be on the left and the Samsung Galaxy, as 20 photos will be on the right.

So keep that in mind, while I'm going through this one side comparison and this whole entire start off is actually of just some grass I usually take these photos at the front of it, and both photos look pretty good at the end of it, I mean they both look almost exactly the same. If I zoom into some grass, you can see that it kind of looks like the iPhone 11 had a little of blurriness and sharpness going up here with kinda zoom into this grass right here. You can see that the iPhone 11 looks a little more grainy, look some blurrier and on it bit away where the Samsung Galaxy s, 20 was able to kind of work, keep it find a little. So you can see, there's less grain going on and overall and these are the exact same photos taken at the exact same time. So it's not like separate times they're taking the exact same time, and you can see that I feel like yes, 20 photos looks much more clear.

There's a lot of grainy, that's going on with the iPhone 11, and I'll be doing the same camera test against the 11pro as well, but it should be about the same. If I look in the back, you can see if I zoom into this little part right here. It seems to be a little less noisy err and a little less grainy on the Samsung Galaxy s 20 over the iPhone 11. So that isn't a very, very important thing to note. When you're having the phone, and you're taking photos and everything you don't necessarily want it to be always you know super crazy, like that.

So in terms of this photo, the Samsung Galaxy, S 20, definitely wins here, and I'm already noticing some pretty crazy differences. To be honest, this is a pretty basic photo of some curtains, and you can see that you know from the first glance they look almost exactly the same, but one thing I noticed right out. The gate was that if you look at the Samsung Galaxy s 20 photo, you can see that on this side it looks much darker, even though these were taken at the exact same location exact same time. Whereas, if you look at the iPhone 11, you can see that it definitely looks a little lighter. However, if I go ahead- and let's say we zoom into this back part right here- and this is where a lot of things I'm starting to see a big difference, you can see that on this side it looked how much more grainy that looks right here, and they'll come much more.

You know out of focus. This section is where it's on the Samsung Galaxy s 20. It actually kept that in the back end, and it actually kept that you know, so you can see it a lot more. You know I've been focused, so it didn't necessarily pour this part out, and it didn't even blur this part out. You can see this part all in this section, whereas on the Samsung Galaxy s 20 was on the iPhone 11, you can see it definitely noticeable I mean they definitely made it a little more grainy, it's not even not grainy, and so up.

It's all that part, and you can see how much more detail we're getting, so they're, both pretty grating here, but on this side. I looked at this side. Look how much more grainy, or it is on here over the eye. Samsung Galaxy s, 20, looking at the very top section and blurred that part out and honestly, like I, said, I mean at first I thought that I didn't know which photos were going to be honest, and it sounds like I'm. Getting a lot of you know like hype to the Samsung Galaxy s 20, and that definitely does seem to be the case.

I think Apple did a perfect job. Ti from all of them did a perfect job with this part, but the overall photo I think it does look noticeably better. Only Samsung Galaxy S 20, in my opinion, over the iPhone 11 or does it you know. I was honestly surprised about that. To be honest, now this next photo is a pretty basic photo.

I, don't think we're going to be able to notice too many crazy things, but you can see there's a little eyelash or something right here and that's a pretty long, eyelash. I'm being honest, though, overall, the both photos seemed pretty good. They put, there seems to be cooler colors on the Samsung Galaxy s, 20 wears on the iPhone.11 is something much darker and warmer and I actually do kind of prefer this type of coloring. You know if we kind of zoom into this part and I just love zooming, it kind of does seem like we're getting more detail on the Samsung Galaxy s.20 a little I'm, not really to sure and again not many people are going to zoom into this far into these photos, but both photos from like the far end. They look pretty good.

You know like if you're just kind of looking them from this, they look pretty fine for the most part, I do flag. In this case, the iPhone 11 has a better photo ID like this little like warmness, that's going on with the desk I feel like that does kind of looks like this and more real life than this one. This one actually looks more real on the Y, the trashcan, so they're, both kind of good at their own parts, but I do feel like the iPhone.11 did a better job here. This next photo was actually a perfect photo. I'm surprised it took it.

I should have put this on Instagram or something, but, as you can see, I stepped in a little too far and see iPhone 11 photo, but they're both almost exactly the same thing, and this one is just of you know the typical camera lens that I had on my desk, and you can actually see the dust that's within the lens, which is really, really nice, I loved, seeing that it has a little more flare to the photo. And if you can see I mean they, you can pretty much see every single little speck of dust in it and even between the specks of dust, it seems like it's a little more in focus on the Samsung Galaxy s 20 and a lot less grainy on that's 20 over the iPhone 11 and that's a very minor one. I, don't think most people are going to be looking at it like that. The blackness of the camera lines as well. If you can look at that, look how much more yellow and kind of nasty it looks, not nasty, but a little more warm on that.

iPhone 11 that, on the s 20, that's 20 did a really, really good job at that I think they did a tremendous job at that it just looks overall, less grainy on the Samsung Galaxy s, 20, then on the iPhone 11. Even if we look at the sides, you can see a lot of blurriness going on right here or is in the s.20 did a perfect job at not blurring over or over blurring the sides at the camera sense, which is really, really nice. So in terms of both this photo I mean that's 20, I think wins by a little, but it's not like a crazy difference here. Even if we look at the background, let's see you know, that's 20 does a perfect job at removing the noise in these photos. The s 20 you can see, even if we look along the lines of orange thing right here, whatever this is I, think it's my light strip.

You can see on how much blurry and noisier it looks on the iPhone 11 and on the s20. So the s20 did a perfect job of smoothing out the photos, in my opinion. So now this is just of my LED light strip remote and it just kind of showed me like the colors and kind of interprets each color, and they look almost exactly the same. The yellow seems to be popping out a little more on the Samsung Galaxy s, 1e and they're about the same, but both colors look almost identical to me. So that's one perfect thing: I was expecting there to be a little more of a difference, but there isn't if I wonder if I can match up the photos, not really in terms of this photo they're almost exactly the same, not a big difference.

In my opinion. Now this photo is one of just taking up simply of just the X Box full lineup thing, and you can see my arms and everything and I just wanted to see what the main differences would be and, as you can see, there's you know from the first glance. I can already notice a little of difference. The Samsung Galaxy s, 20 photo kinds of, took a lighter, photo, a much brighter and more exposure since galaxy s, 20 I, don't know maybe like over filtering or the iPhone 11 here, maybe like over filter I'm, not really to sure. It just seems to be a little off for me like a little more yellow a zoom in, like let's say like the edge of this part, and this is where I noticed.

The bigger difference is the smoothening of the Samsung Galaxy s, 20, not a crazy difference in my opinion, but you can definitely see that the actually I think the iPhone 11 did a better job. They have an 11, did a sharper job of keeping this kind of more sharp. But, as you can see, once you kind of get bring it up here, there's a little more smoothing going on with the iPhone, not with the Samsung Galaxy s 20 over the iPhone 11. If we go up to this part as well, you can actually kind of see that I think the iPhone 11 did a better job at sharpening this all out and keeping this guy, you can see kind of little more detail was, unlike the Alex s, 20, it kind of did a little of a bore shot in my opinion. But again these are my eyes that could be totally wrong between this photo I think the iPhone 11 actually might have one from first glance from the outside.

Looking in I mean this one looks a little better in my opinion, but after that I think the iPhone 11 did a better job. Now. This is just a quick example of portrait mode, so I had a live focus mode on the Samsung Galaxy s, 20, which I think is the Porsche remote on that phone versus the actual portrait mode on the iPhone 11, and something that I noticed right out. The gate is the iPhone.11 photos definitely looked much brighter, and in your face really sensing galaxy has 20 photo kinds of looked a little more. You know mundane a little more boring, so I.

Definitely and if you look at the blue in the background I mean, if you look at that, you can definitely see that I think it looks a little better on the iPhone 11 and the purple, and all that stuff looks just more sharp, or you can see a little of edge kind of like chopping and going on over here with the iPhone 11 looks much smoother and if we kind of zoom into that, like actual fuzz of the bear, you can see that the iPhone 11 I think there's a better job. You can see a lot more of the single hairs versus the Samsung Galaxy S 20. So that's a pretty big difference right. There I think the iPhone 11 definitely won this one, and this is a photo taken outside and, as you can see, I mean the colors look really, really nice, but assume into this kind of or of what I feel like. Maybe we're getting more detail on the eye on the Samsung Galaxy s 20, the f-111 did a perfect job with this photo as well.

If I kind of assume into this specific part, you can see that the iPhone 11 did a much better job at keeping those things in focus where the Samsung Galaxy has 20 kinds of chopped it up a little, not really to sure where the focus point of this 20 was, but you can definitely see the iPhone loved and had the better photo here, and this is a photo of a leaf and I try my best to match, but the photos as good as possible, and it seems to be and again of the way to take these photos I, let the focus you know, focus on itself, I, let the viewfinder focus, I, don't tap anything to focus or anything like that and, as you can see, I think the Samsung Galaxy S 20 has a better photo here by a little. It seems to be that the iPhone Elevens photo focused on this part of the leaf. Maybe I'm not really to sure. I was trying to focus in on this part. So if you funder or the automatic focus I think was a little better on this 20 at this point, but you can see I mean in terms of both the Samsung Galaxy S 22, a perfect job.

If you look at the edge of this leaf, which isn't really a know a fair comparison, but this is where I was trying to focus. You can see that the s 20 I believe did a better job at focusing than the iPhone 11 and both phones I mean, if you look at both photos from like a distance like this you'd probably think they're about the same, but I think the Galaxy has 20. Definitely one here in this photo now this photo I'll have to turn this around. You can see that there's a little of filtering going on with the s 20. You know, and if you kind of look at the edge right here- and you can see a little more detail here- these Samsung Galaxy s, 20 I, think offered more detail in this crevice than the iPhone 11, but the iPhone 11th photo had less filtering and some people might like this a little more.

There seems to be a lot of over processing on the galaxy s 20 and this specific photo which isn't a big deal. Some people might like it, but that is something to consider when you're getting a phone like this okay at its again hermitian I was missing. These two photos, but I have actually found them, and the iPhone 11 I think that a perfect up here, the Samsung Galaxy S 20, also did a perfect job and from first glance, I, don't think, there's a clear winner, but one I kind of zoom. It I kind of started to notice that the Samsung Galaxy S 20 photo seems to be a little less in detail than the iPhone 11. There seems to be a lot more sharpening going on with the iPhone 11 like.

If you zoom into this part of the leaf, which actually kind of looks like a man, if I'm being honest, it looks like Groot or whatever his name is from that Guardians of the Galaxy, you can see the two eyes and everything, but I think there's a lot more sharpening going on for the Samsung Galaxy for the iPhone 11 over the Samsung Galaxy s, 20 and again, I took the photo I just quickly took them I, let them both to find focus and whatever I think, there's a lot more detail on the iPhone 11 photo than on the Samsung Galaxy s.20 photo now this last photo I took an ultra-wide mode and I just tried it I didn't even care about it too much to be honest, I just kind of want to quickly take it both from about the same distance, I. Think the ultra light sensor on the Samsung Galaxy s.20 can do a little more I guess ultra wideness and the iPhone 11 not a big deal, but that is something to consider on the Samsung Galaxy s 20 and on the iPhone 11. They did a perfect job, you know, and I think the iPhone 11 did an overall, better job, there's a lot more sharpening going on, and I need a sharpening, but just looks better my opinion, the filtering that the iPhone 11 brought versus that's 20. This photos kind of looks bland and looks too I, don't know like cool. In my opinion, this one looks much warmer and I definitely do like this photo at the end of the day.

So both are very nice, but this is just an example of the ultra-wide sensor. I didn't test the telephoto lens, because the iPhone 11 isn't habit now I did do a video test, and you can kind of watch it while I'm doing this. But the one thing that I saw in this video between both of them was that I actually found that I think the iPhone 11 did a better job at the video than the Samsung Galaxy s, 20, which I was not expecting and at first I was expecting these sensing Alex guys 20 to be better because, honestly, it's the better phone is more expensive. It has the more camera sensor than all that, but I found that the s 20 just kind of made the video look a little more warm in my opinion, and almost too warm like I, had liked more videos and stuff, but the iPhone 11 just looked a little better, and it just looked sharper in the video as well, which I wasn't expecting and to kind of sum up. The video and say answer the question.

Bro between both these cameras at first I thought it was going to be a clear winner. iPod s20 was death and going to win, but I think the iPhone 11 might take them overall, better photos and better videos consistently. Every single time in my opinion- and there were times with this- s20 was better too, and I think the s20 still has a lot of going for it now, I think it's probably like 50%, better camera. You know and really the main things that has going for it or the hardware things that the item 11 doesn't have, but once it gets those things really it's going to be pretty much even or maybe even the iPhone 11 would be better you're, only missing out 8k and telephoto lens other than that. The camera quality on the s20 is very good, but the iPhone 11 is really, really good as well and in between both of these I really don't think, there's a clear winner to be honest, so that really pretty much covers up in the camera test.

This was a long one, and it was one that honestly was not expecting to. You know. Have this type of conclusion: I thought the s20 was going to be better but I. Guess not you guys have any questions or anything. Let me know in the comment section below hit that like button on me so much, but definitely hit that subscribe button, every single subscriber that we get related counts.

We need so much for you guys get hit that also check out the other links down in the description as well. My Twitter, my Instagram, my second channel, all those things rolling down below I'd, really appreciate, if you guys could check it out, or importantly, everything else. I loved every single one of you guys, hopefully I got you guys in the next video peace out, :.

Source : Simple Alpaca

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