Poco F2 Pro VS Samsung S20 Plus - Speed, RAM & Temperature Test! By Dr HamezTech

By Dr HamezTech
Aug 22, 2021
Poco F2 Pro VS Samsung S20 Plus - Speed, RAM & Temperature Test!

What the guys welcome back to the channel. This is Dr. Thomas tag. So today we have a Poco f2 pro with the s20 plus over here. So first I'm going to show you the room temperature, as you can see here, is that twenty-four point eight. Now, let's check out the phones so right here on the extra plastic @ 32.2 and on the Poco f2 Pro, it's also the same @ 32.2. So let's put these two phones up, so the Poco f2 Pro comes with a Snapdragon, it's 65, while the as 20 plus.

As you guys know, it comes with an Enos 990. We're gonna, compare both of these phones and their performance and RAM management. A Poco f2, as you can see here, boots up very fast. The Samsung is still loading up, the Poco f2 comes, we have 6 gigs ram and the s20 plus comes with 8 gigs of ram and right here you can see that the Poco f2 is straight into the app. So you can see over there.

It's already all loaded up compared to the s20 Plus, which still does take some time to load up, which is completely normal, but it's very impressive from the epochal f2 so far. Ok, so, as you can see here, all the apps are closed. Only the Wi-Fi and location is on for both phones. Let's check out the temperatures again as twenty-plus comes in at thirty-five point: five and the Poco F. To add thirty, three point: nine.

So, as you can see here, the s20 blaster does heat up a lot when the first app has bought nine. Let's take some time for the s20 to register that this app, to be honest, is the most unreliable. I tried this multiple times, and it does give me variable results, but we are going to see in this test which one comes out on top: let's go, let's see which one okay good stuff seems about the same but as I mentioned, because I'm using two of the same users so as for, doesn't allow that, but both of them does perform very well go into Nick's air Pokémon Go all right, slight lead by the Poco f2 Pro, and there you have it. The Poco f2 is first in this app followed by the s20 flash slightly behind it. Going on to the next one, YouTube faster on the Poco f2 Pro, very impressive Instagram.

It is faster on the Poco f2 Pro when to pop G. These are all very heavy apps, so it does take its toll on the phone, and it's on RAM management over here. The epochal f2 is having a slight lead over the s20 plus look at that blazing fast. It's already in the app and the Estonian pass is still loading, and it's done. Alright, let's go back to the home menu.

Let's check out those temperatures as 20-plus at 37 degrees, Wow and the Poco F to Rome and 35.1. So you see there that heat management going to Chrome, as you can see, is very similar, went to Facebook, also very similar, with slight lead for the Poco f2 Lazaro Poco f2, and go into the next one. Spotify I have to again go into settings. Both are very similar. Going to Premier League have to pro takes it going on — Man United again, the f2 Pro goes ahead, going to Netflix again have to produce very good going onto camera.

Alright, then test out the front over here when they'll activate front one, two three Wow surprisingly the f2 pro with that mechanical pop up camera does better than the s20 plus in the next one Dropbox faster on the s20 plus. Finally, a doe faster on the f2 Pro go into currency about the same over there going on to play star very similar with BS 20 having slightly tick-tock. Both are very similar, similar results. So now we're gonna check out the RAM management on both of these phones. Like I said, the S 20 plus comes with eight gigs of ram and the six gigs of RAM on the f2 Pro and, as you can see, they're both amps are reloaded in Pokémon gold.

Let's check out those temperatures. Sorry forgot to do that.39.3 amazing, on the s20 blasts, as you can see here, f2 pro 35.9, very good heat management from the chipset over there. Let's check out some other apps, let's go to Instagram. As you can see, the s20 plans does a little better with the RAM management compared to the f2 pro, which does take some time to load going on to another app. Let's see what we have here, let's go to Premier League.

Since the league is back there, you have it again, it's better on the s20 Plus, let's check out something else: let's go to Manchester United. This one is wrong and, as you can see there, the s20 blast does all that at better than the f to pro. So when it comes to speed, you can see here. The f2 Pro is very good when it comes to RAM management, maybe due to that six gigs of ram with that lpddr4 ex it's a bit worse compared to the as twenty-plus on YouTube. You can see that as many plans does very good jump as well, so there it is.

Please follow me on my social as well: Twitter Instagram, Facebook YouTube. This is doctor. Hammerstein, take care, stays safe and wash those hands.

Source : Dr HamezTech

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