How To Check Battery Health On ANY Android! By LoFi Alpaca

By LoFi Alpaca
Aug 21, 2021
How To Check Battery Health On ANY Android!

Welcome back everyone I'll go ahead and show you a really important thing that you can do on any android device, and it's checking your battery health now on some versions of software. I've seen out there. They actually do have this feature built in, so you don't have to download an app or anything for some reason on my Samsung Galaxy s20. I don't think I have this built in, but what you can do is you can make your way over to your settings app. If there is a built-in search feature, you just want to go ahead and click it not there. You want to click it, and you want to type in something like a battery.

Now, if there is a battery health feature that comes up, you need to go and click on it and look at it. So for me, I don't know. If I see it, I mean here's like battery information, but it really only tells me the battery life and the battery capacity, which is four thousand million powers. Apparently it's not even exactly 4000, but it doesn't really give me the option for battery health, which is totally okay. So what you can do here is you can download an app called IQ battery, and I'll leave a link down below, but it looks like this in case I forget to link it down, below which I might, it looks like this.

You can search it up. It has like over 10 million downloads, so it's a pretty good app. So once you download it, you want to go ahead and open it up now, once you open it up, it might ask you to go through a couple panels. You know it took a little of time to get through, and you will essentially come into this page now. It may not mean too much if you download it for the first time, because for me, I just downloaded it, so it kind of needs to learn and kind of be used for like a day or two for it to fully understand your battery, because it's not going to pick it up unless your phone's at 100.

In this case my phone wasn't in it, but this app will tell you a lot of different things about the battery health of your specific device. So it'll tell you this stuff, which I don't really care about too much, but this down here is pretty important, so it shows screen on it, shows screen off, and it shows kind of how much battery is used when you're using it and when you're, not now, when you scroll all the way down. So this is also pretty important to this discharging speed, but all the way when you scroll down somewhere over here. You will see this little thing now. You have to be on the very first one, the charging one, and you will see that right at the bottom it'll say something like design capacity and estimated capacity now for this specific device.

It's a little weird because I haven't charged it up fully yet on, while using this app, I just downloaded it, so you'll have to kind of let it charge and die and not die completely, but just kind of use it as you normally would, but have this app downloaded, and it'll kind of understand how your device is being used, and it will estimate how much battery capacity you have now from this. You want to be able to see okay, so the design capacity it estimates is 3800, it's actually 4 000, but it's totally okay, and it'll go ahead and tell you the estimated capacity now. What this is is basically telling you okay. This is how much we think it's going to have you know, so you can just divide those numbers up, and it'll basically tell you how much battery capacity you have left. You want these two numbers to be the same, or around the same.

If it's more than like 500 million hours apart, then that could mean you know. Battery life is going to go down, but that also depends on how big that battery size is inside your device. Now, once you do use your device for a little longer and you kind of let it go through, you want to go ahead and switch over to the health tab right here, and it'll go ahead and tell you a lot of information. It'll go ahead and tell your battery health in a percentage which is really cool. It'll.

Tell you the estimated capacity design capacity, which is pretty much what we just had, and I'll also tell you the battery where and the battery capacity, but the battery wire will basically tell you how much they think your device's battery has gone down that much and that's a very important thing to look into and there's also battery capacity down here. So ultimately, this is a really, really good app to download. It's super important. In my opinion, if you have an android device, this is a really decent app. You can get your battery health from now, I'm not sponsored by them, but it kind of sounded like I was.

You can really download any app. Furthermore, you want to that's a battery health app, this one's, probably the most popular one, but there's a ton out there. So that's really pretty much it if you guys have any other questions or anything. Let me know in the comment section below hit. The like button know me so much, but definitely hit that subscribe button, every single subscriber that we get really discount, so I mean so much to you guys could hit that also check out the other links down in the description as well.

My Twitter, my Instagram, my main channel. More importantly, everything also love every single one of you guys, hopefully I'll catch you guys in the next video peace out till then do you.

Source : LoFi Alpaca

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