Google Stadia on Samsung Tab S7 Plus!? By The Bearded Samsung Pro

By The Bearded Samsung Pro
Aug 14, 2021
Google Stadia on Samsung Tab S7 Plus!?

What's up everybody Katie the bearded Samsung pro, and today I want to show you how you can play cloud-based gaming on your Samsung tab, s7 plus now, specifically I'm going to focus in on Google Stadia. As we know at the launch, Microsoft Xbox game pass was announced as part of the launch, with Samsung tab, seven plus, which is pretty cool uh, looking forward to getting to try that out, but I'm a big fan of Stadia, and I've been using Stadia from the beginning for most of my gaming experience now. What's really cool is you do not have to have a Google Stadia controller to be able to play Google Stadia on your Samsung tab s7. So today I'm going to show you not only how to get it working but then a little of the gameplay and a couple different formats that you can use. So you can start playing Google Stadia for yourself. So let's go ahead and get the Stadia app open, we're going to go ahead and come in here and launch Stadia one of the first things that you're going to notice.

Are you can't play it on the Samsung cab s7 plus? So this is not one of the official Stadia supported devices. Yet, however, that doesn't mean that we can't play, so I'm going to show you first how to actually get your Samsung tab, s7 plus to the point where it can play Stadia, and it's actually pretty simple: we're gone ahead and start by clicking on our profile picture up here once we've done that we're going to click experiments and then right here at the top you're going to see play on this device. Support for this mobile device is in development. Using this feature may affect game performance, so we're going to go ahead and turn that on, and I'll be honest with you, I haven't noticed any problems yet playing this, so hopefully that'll continue on. So I'm gonna start first by showing you how to connect your controller, so we're going to come up here to link controller.

This is going to give us our code, we'll turn on our controller here, all right and now, as you can see, we entered that code, and we're linked now. So this is pretty cool. Now I can actually control with the Stadia controller once we pop into a game we'll go ahead and just do hit man I'll tell you right now, um, I'm a little slow on the gaming, so I'm probably not gonna. Do that great we're going to go ahead and um, let's just jump right into it, so you can see I'm using this to control everything. That's happening on the screen and this all actually goes.

This all actually goes over Wi-Fi. So my controller here is connected to the Wi-Fi, as is my device. This helps reduce the latency so that when I'm actually hitting buttons here, I don't notice it. When I'm actually playing the game. It's pretty cool technology uh, something I've been really excited about and uh you guys haven't.

Given Google Stadia a go, yet I highly encourage that you do, but let's go ahead and jump in and see how it looks how it plays now. One of the cool things I will tell you is playing games. Any games on this screen and with this sound, is absolutely awesome. This screen is gorgeous definitely one of the best screens that I've ever had. I really the best screen ever that's been on a tablet, um and or a mobile phone.

The 120 hertz is gorgeous, makes for great refresh rates. Let's go ahead and crank this up and see how it sounds all right, and we're in there. I probably have. I think I have my gun out. Oh crap yeah, I told you I'm not very good.

I have no idea. What's going on we'll just shoot a couple: people I'm going to die. You know what, though it's not about how good you play the game, it's about the fact that you can play the game, so this is pretty cool, so this is one variation is using the controller. So now, let's see what it does when we actually start the game without a controller attached. So it's going to, let us know: there's no controller phone, we're going to click! This try touchpad touch game pad here, you'll see it creates a virtual game pad here.

So I have all my buttons down here my right and left joist, or I'm sorry. My right two joint sticks here my left two over here up down and my toggles as well all right. So let's jump right in and see how this works. All right, I'm going to try to keep it at this odd angle. Again, don't judge me on my uh terrible playing skills, I'm not that great, and I'm okay with that.

So I think this time we're going to do away without pulling out the gun right away. This is a little odd, I'm not used to playing on the mobile. So this is going to take me a sec to get used to they're very responsive more so than I almost thought they would be. I'm gonna probably make somebody sick here trying to pull up my weapon yeah. Let's get that bad boy out, let's just start shooting some people how's that sound right.

So if you're as bad as me, probably don't want to do this all right guys. So obviously, I'm not very good at video games yep not going to change my career now, but that's what it looks like to play using the touchpads that are actually on the tablet itself. I want to try one other variation, I'm not sure if this is going to work or not, but I'm going to go ahead and try it anyways, and I want to see if using the keyboard cover case will allow me to use your traditional ASD configuration. So let's go ahead and try that now, so I've got the keyboard case connected now and let's go ahead and see if this will actually allow us to use the keyboard instead of the touchpad or even a game controller as well. So it's telling us we need to use some sort of game pad we're going to try we'll hit, try touch game pad and let's just see what happens here all right.

Unfortunately, it looks like it's not working. If I'm mistaken or you guys know a workaround of this, let me know: go ahead and drop it down in the comments below but uh otherwise hope. This is helpful. Just to give you a little picture into what it looks like to use the Google Stadia with your Samsung Galaxy tab, s7 plus it's definitely worth taking a look at. If you do have one of these devices I'll go ahead and drop a link down below so that you can get the Google Stadia for yourself and give it a whirl and yeah.

Let me know what your thoughts were. Don't forget to like and subscribe, and thank you guys so much for checking in we'll talk to you soon. You.

Source : The Bearded Samsung Pro

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