Google Pixel: Battery Recalibration By Ace Lucero Tech

By Ace Lucero Tech
Aug 14, 2021
Google Pixel: Battery Recalibration

Hey, what's happening I'm back with another video, and yesterday I mentioned that I was going to be recalibrating. The battery on the Google pencil from 2016, and I did exactly that. As you can see, I'm a down do right now, I'm down to 15%. So let's see what kind of battery life that I got after the recalibration. Okay, so right now, I've got 15 hours of use five hours screen on time and that's how it looks, so I use my phone last night, then I went to bed, you can see when I was asleep, and I woke back up started using the phone again and if these numbers look familiar to you, this is basically how I use like my phone. All the time like this is like my charging cycle.

Okay, like I'll charge up my phone in the evening, and then I'll use it and then, by the end of the day of the end of the next day boom. Here we are obviously this isn't the end of the day, because this is only a twenty-seven hundred million battery. If I was using a phone, like my pixel, my know date or my ass night plus then either easily made it into the know to the evening hours. But those phones have liked you know: thirty. Five hundred million batteries, 3300 William batteries, so we're talking about twenty-seven hundred million battery here and you all see the way I run.

My device is same thing, you know the what's it called the brightness. If they have, that's, how I do it? You all know how I do it I don't need to be I, don't need I mean it's cool. Sometimes, if I'm outside then yeah I'll pick up the brightness when I'm indoors I'd. Do it like that and this battery life was achieved. Half of it was there that part right.

There obviously was Wi-Fi, some of that was on LTE I, but Verizon as you all know, and some of this was on Verizon as well. So there you go, so it is still possible to get perfect battery life on the Google Pixel first gen or the Google Pixel from 2016 or whatever you want to call it. But whenever you're going to recalibrate a battery, basically how you do it just charge the battery up all the way to 100 then run it all the way down to zero. Let the phone turn off and then go ahead and turn it back on again. Let it turn lit, and it'll set itself off, probably in a couple of minutes to drain that low.

Then what you do after you do that you don't turn the phone back on plug it into your charger. Then it goes all the way up to 100. Then, once it does start, the phone back, I mean up the phone start, the phone up. Let it go all the way back down again and then charge it back up. Then your battery will be recalibrated, because before I did this, my battery life was kind of I noticed it was a little.

It was bad. It was a lot worse than it should have been so now. This is back to on par with what you can expect again like with the Google pencil or the Google Pixel, the Google pencil ? they're, both similar setups 2700, really have batteries. So this is basically what you expect out of it. Okay, so- and you know five hour screen on time, 15 hours of use but, like I said everyone's usage can be different.

Some people love to have their brightness turned way up. I'm, not one of those people anyway, that's gonna, be it for this video I hope it helped catch on the next one.

Source : Ace Lucero Tech

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