TCL NXTPaper COLOR 2020 Screen Tech is Releasing soon By Goodereader

By Goodereader
Aug 16, 2021
TCL NXTPaper COLOR 2020 Screen Tech is Releasing soon

Hey everyone- it's Michael here from goodyreader. com and TCL- is a company that had a blackberry license. They released 4k TVs as well as various smartphones and tablets. They have just unveiled a new breed of e-paper technology called next paper, and they want to compete against e-ink for e-readers and tablets. Now the tech behind this is basically eye friendly, so it is similar to the high sense q5. We reviewed that doesn't have a front light or a backlight or blue light, or anything like that.

It relies completely on having ambient light in the room in order to see the screen and see colors. Now when compared to a traditional lcd, it has 25 percent higher contrast for better viewing. It has 30 percent thinner, bezel and a display, as well as 65 percent, more power efficient than a typical LCD, allowing for much better battery efficiency and overall battery life. So this has been in development for around two years, and it is going to be available sometime in 2021. They're gonna license this technology out to other companies now similar technology.

To this it would obviously be clear inc, but you know they've been in development health for about the last like eight years, so it doesn't really look like they'll ever really have a serious competitor for next paper. I guess the closest competitor is e-ink, which have very slow refresh rates, and that has been difficult to really enjoy videos or animations animated page turns now. There are companies like onyx books that have various speed mode enhancements. High sense has various speed mode enhancements on their smartphones, but next paper does support smooth video playback and a very respectable frame rate. So this will be tremendously noteworthy.

I'm very excited about TCL next paper. What do you guys think drop a comment below and for goodyreader. com my name is Michael and everybody takes care?.

Source : Goodereader

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