TCL 10 Pro Camera Review (after May 2020 update) By Grant Likes Tech

By Grant Likes Tech
Aug 16, 2021
TCL 10 Pro Camera Review (after May 2020 update)

Positive grant here welcome back to the channel, and today I've got the TCL 10 pro it's on the latest update that came out a little while ago. I think it's they may monthly update, and they had said they had made some camera improvements, so they didn't really say what was improved on the cameras. So I thought it would just come out and take a bunch of photos and videos and let you see them- and you be the judge. What do you think about the photos and videos now after this latest update? Do you think they look good? I believe they're a little over saturated at first. So all this can be shot in full, auto with AI mode on, because that's how it comes by default out of the box and so take a look at the photos and videos, and let me know what you think so: hey everyone. So here's a quick video test of the TCL 10 pro.

This is 1080p 30 frames per second and the standard lens it can record up to 4k 30. I don't see any 60 frame per second options here, so this is in the late afternoon early evening we zoom over to the cell tower two times zoom there, and this has a ten times digital. So that's what that looks like and back it all the way out and try some autofocus here on the post and not the brightest light, but you can see. Autofocus is still really nice and snappy with this tcl10 pro, and the other thing to note is that you can't switch between the lenses. So I can't switch the ultra-wide angle once you start recording you have to stick to that lens, and we'll do some stabilization as I walk down the stairs but uh.

Let me know what you think about this footage here, and I'll move it up into the sun, so you can see how it handles that changing light. Okay, so here's a quick clip in ultra-wide angle mode still 1080p 30 frames per second, but you should see a lot more in the field of view here pan over, and actually I don't see any kind of zoom options really in this ultra-wide angle mode, but we can test out stabilization and pay attention to the uh, colors and lighting ultra angle. Cameras don't tend to do as well, even in slightly dimly lit situations, but this is the ultra-wide angle lens in 1080p, okay. So this is the same scene at 4k, 30 frames per second, the max resolution. This can record in there is a five-minute time limit here in 4k.

So as I pan over test the zoom here two times zoom, and you still have a 10 times digital in 4k and that's what that looks like and back it out- has some autofocuses still nice and snappy on the post. So that's one thing out of focus here: taking photos and videos on the 10 pro has been very good, so we'll test out stabilization in 4k and one last founder on the park here. Okay, so here we are with the ultra-wide angle lens at 4k. I don't see any time restrictions here, at least not in the viewfinder, but still no zoom options, but you can see how much you can fit into that field of view, and we'll do a quick stabilization here of the ultra-wide angle, camera in 4k and one last pound up into that sun. Okay, so here is some low light video from the tcl10 pro.

This is with the main wide angle, camera, not the ultra-wide, and it automatically turns on this low light mode. So everything is a little enhanced a little brighter, there's a bit of more noise in that sky, but it definitely brightens up the image you can see. It does not handle the lights too. Well. Definitely, a lot of flaring coming out from the camera here.

I know those are tough lights, but other cameras are able to handle them better. But you know considering the price of this phone. I don't think it's doing too bad, and it does have an auto night mode or low light mode that kicks in here. So that's pretty good! You can see it here again into some really harsh lighting conditions and I do have a mask on because of the situation we're in. So if it sounds a little muffled, that's probably why there are people walking around out here, so I always better be safe than sorry, but you can see with this low-light mode here.

This is going into a really dark situation, and it is keeping everything very visible. So this little light mode, while it does introduce a lot of noise into that sky, it's actually doing a perfect job of illuminating everything. So when you get into some really dark situation at least you can see what they're filming, because I'll tell you. This is way darker than this looks here, at least on the viewfinder, so low light mode here on the 10 pro can at least help you shoot and see your subjects without having to use any kind of flash or anything to distort the photo or the video. So there you go 1080p from the 2c10 pro okay, so here we are at 4k 30 frames per second, there is no low light mode, so you can see the night sky is a little darker, it's not as noisy and pan over.

It still has some of those lens flares, not as bad as at 1080p. With that low light mode. You can pan over here to this really bright light in front of me and, of course, that's going to be pretty tough, but here, as we move into this darker light, you'll see how dark it really was compared to that 1080p low light mode footage. So there is no low light mode if you want to shoot at 4k- and this is really how dark it looks and so compare that to that low light mode, 1080p footage- and it was doing an amazing job and brightening everything up, so you can actually see what's out here and what you're filming. This is really what it looks like here at 4k.

It is this dark. So if you want true-to-life scene, that's what this is its just when you go to really dark situations like this, you won't be able to really see what you're filming so again, 4k no light mode. If you want to shoot in extreme low light switch to 1080p and that low light mode will kick in all right. So that is the camera test of the TCL 10 pro after the latest update, and I'm not really sure what to improve in the cameras. But hopefully you got to see all the photos and videos in both good and low light situations, so you can kind of judge for yourself if you think the cameras have either been improved or you're just liking, what you're seeing from the quality? And so let me know in the comment section below what you think about the photos and videos here after the update on the tcl10 pro any other questions or comments, as always leave them down below I'll.

Try to answer as much as I can and as always, thanks for watching.

Source : Grant Likes Tech

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