TCL 10 Pro 6/128 Snapdragon 675 Call of Duty Mobile 60fps Test By Mobile Freak

By Mobile Freak
Aug 16, 2021
TCL 10 Pro 6/128 Snapdragon 675 Call of Duty Mobile 60fps Test

Hello guys welcome to my channel I'm mobile freak, and today we'll test this PCL 10 pro with Call of Duty mobile. As you can see, and let's see the graphics we can set max and low graph quality will set, and let's give me time to reload this app, and I just restart the game. As you can see, graphic quality set to low and frame rate set to max depot field is off and everything is off, and we start the same battle royale, and we will see how this device can form in this battle call royale duty mobile game. Let's wait for this. I really like how this device look with that edge screen and perfect super AMOLED screen as well. Ninja.

I don't want to be a ninja. Furthermore, I want to be a medic because mechanic, no mechanic, I need to be medic. No, I want to be medical leave me alone idiots, so guys for now. As you can see, this is pretty much perfect experience without any problems or something like that. Let's see, welcome to battle royale the match is about.

I can tell you guys this one microphone is really loud. It's just one speaker as you can hear that, and it's really, really loud and guys if you're new to the channel, please make sure to subscribe to it and help me to read the 2k wall. That will help me a lot and thank you very much why this one landed here. There are probably the peoples around there landed faster than we, but I take the gun, and I'm really fine right now. Let's turn on the full sound, so we can hear everyone around enemies will arrive in one minute.

Let's go in guys. I'm really surprised with this TCL 10 pro. It's really, really stable performance. For now. I'm really proud of this device, thank wherever using first aid kit now using bandages.

Now one more what two times I don't know how I didn't kill him. EMP drone ready one more one, more good job, guys really nice, really nice, you're, perfect using bandages. Now reloading cover me the aircraft is coming, we need to go. The zone is closing: let's go EMP drone ready this the enemies, oh using first aid kit, now drone ready, perfect, perfect. Oh my god, I was so bad at this where's.

My teammates help me. What is wrong with you help me thank you, god, using first aid kit. Now, let's go let's go on top of this. I think he's there. Probably, as you can see my friend.

Thank you very much, my friend. What was that just tell me what was that there was too much in here, and he wasn't that so guys. This is it. I don't want to continue this. This one is really, really nice to play Call of Duty mobile and that's it if you're new to the channel, please make sure to subscribe to it and help me to read that 2k goal.

That will help me a lot and if you enjoyed the video like it and see you in another one peace.

Source : Mobile Freak

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