Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Explodes and Catches Fire! By WebPro Education

By WebPro Education
Aug 21, 2021
Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Explodes and Catches Fire!

Hey, what's up guys, my name is Chris, and I was walking, I was actually shooting the pop f1 review. You know doing my thing, and then I come across an article on CNN. Talking about a woman stands on Galaxy Note, 9 exploding in her pass or literally catching on fire in her pass, sounds familiar. So what had happened was this woman was using her phone, a Samsung, Galaxy Note 9, and then she noticed it was getting abnormally warm. So she decides to put it in a pass, give it a rest and then a few moments later. She checks her pass and is more clearly coming out of her pass.

So when she checks inside her brand-new $1000 Galaxy Note, 9 is literally on fire, so she drops it out and someone helps her to you know, put out the fire and stuff, but that gets me thinking, and I'm, really hoping that this is just one case or just one. In a few isolated cases, every company has dos. Even Apple has I, don't know this before, because the last thing we want at this point is a bunch of Galaxy Note, nines exploding in restaurants and airports and in planes and stuff like that, and then some song is forced to recall a whole flagship, which is exactly what happened in 2017 and something had to recall over two million Galaxy Note sevens and suffer the loss, songs and stuff and suffered billions of dollars in losses. It was ugly, but they should be. The note 7 was discovered quite conclusively and some claims they had over 700 engineers to look at the battery in the note 7, and it was discovered that the problem was a series of mistakes in the battery manufacturing process.

You know how lithium-ion batteries are made from layers of positive and negative electrodes, and they're insulated, so they don't touch each other, because when positive and negative electrodes touch you get fine. At the top of the note 7 battery, there was a slight curve with some. Some are calling a deflection so a bad curve, especially on the battery heated slightly or the buzzer, was charging the positive and negative electrodes came into contact and that's what caused the sparks and the fire and the explosion of the note 7 batteries. Another issue was the impurities in between the layers and these impurities. There were little iron impurities, which punctured the insulation between the positive and negative electrodes and make these electrodes come into contact and start the fires and explosions of the no7 batteries.

But this issue was concluded and some rectified their issue and then released not 8 in 2017, and it turned out to be the best smartphone in 2018 at least that's what I thought and many other YouTubers and tech enthusiasts thought the phone was brilliant. The party was great. It was a well-built, safe, usable Galaxy, Note 8, and then they say we get the note 9, which is a brilliant smartphone, great, build quality, awesome, design, new features, possibly another contender for smartphone of the year. This year, with a four thousand William hour. Battery and I was cautiously excited to see some really confident to push the envelope again in battery capacity, and it would be a real shame if the explosions of 2016 have come back to haunt them two years later, but Samsung did promise us.

This was the safest battery ever on a Samsung Galaxy device or any smartphone out there. They told us introduced an eight-point safety checking system in the manufacturing process of the battery, so they are not going to be any explosions, and now it's just two weeks into the cell and there's already a case of an exploited or basically a note, 9 Catching, Fire and after say it has come a little too soon, and it's kind of frightening. To be honest, if you ask me I'd say: don't buy the note 9 fast. Let's first see how this goes. Let's first see if there going to be other note, nines, Catching, Fire or exploding mind up names already underway, I've already paid for it.

So there's no timing, but at this point, but oh, let's wait a little. Let's see, let's give it another 2 or 3 weeks to see how it goes, and then you can buy your note 9 at least that's what I think at this point. But let me know what you think. Let me know if you have a note 9 already, is it overheating? Are you seeing any funny behavior with the battery? Let me know down in the comment section below, but until the next one I'll get back to my poker phone review, and thanks for watching.

Source : WebPro Education

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