Samsung Galaxy Note 8 vs iPhone 7 Plus - Gaming Comparison! (4K) By XEETECHCARE

Aug 15, 2021
Samsung Galaxy Note 8 vs iPhone 7 Plus - Gaming Comparison! (4K)

Hey guys, it's time to do a gaming comparison between the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 versus the iPhone 7 plus. Now this is a third comparison between these two phones. We've done the speed test, we've done the battery drain test, and now it's time to test out the gaming performance. Okay, so first game that we're playing on both phones is beach, buggy racing. Now this is one of the few games that allows you to change the graphics even on iOS. So by default we have this DS setting.

So what I'm going to do is I'm going to set the resolution all the way to high on all phones, I'm also going to go to advanced settings, and here I will set the shadows detail. All the way to Mac's is automatically set to high on the Galaxy Note 8 and the rest of the stuff is ticked. So it's going to be a super high-end graphical experience. Okay, so kicking things off on the Galaxy Note are we're just going to play this stage, which is filled with these water effects. It's raining, and I really, really like this day, so it's gonna, take a lot of you know, pressure on the GPU as well.

So let's see how the Galaxy, Note 8 will handle this game with full effects in this rainy state. So, ok, so far, it feels like it's running at 60 frames per second and again, it's not all about fps I mean it. It also depends on the experience like we have. This huge amazing display with no bezels at all like this is super amazing experience so, and this is such a huge display, which is really awesome. This is a unique game as well.

We get this power-ups, it's not just racing. It also has a bit of Puller touch to it. Like you can get these power-ups, you get different weapons that you can throw at your opponent's car so and I. Just really love I love the graphics as well. So, let's check out on the iPhone 7 plus now we will be playing the same stage again.

We have same type of graphical enhancement on this phone as well now I'm, pretty sure that iPhone should be able to handle the game. Just fine like Wow, it's running absolutely smooth 60fps, just like the Galaxy Note 8, but then again I mean the bezels are so huge. Like I said it's not all about fps. The experience of each phone also differs note aid having those amazing bezel s. You know screen that just really improves the experience.

The iPhone we have this huge bezels. Of course this iPhone will get. Ripley is pretty soon buy, iPhone 8 in about two or three days or four days to be exact, so stay tuned for that coverage on the channel, and we finished second, okay. So moving on to the second game, which is coming from the same developer, vector unit, so this is Riptide GP renegade. It cost about $2, I, think in the Play Store and the App Store, and it's again a watery filled game gets so much water effects, it's basically a jet ski game.

So, just like their previous game, we have full control over the graphics. So, as you can see, the iPhone is already set to the ultra graphics, and it's on 60 Hertz plus. The resolution is set all the way to the max we're going to do the same on the Galaxy Note 8. By the way I have the resolution set to 1080p, so it's equal, so now I'm setting the graphics to ultra and, as you can see, it's now done complex screen effects and high details display first race. Only Samsung, Galaxy, Note 8 I played this game on the note aid in a separate gaming review video, but the graphics was not set to max.

Oh, okay so feels smooth I, don't think it's running on 60fps, it's probably around 30 40 or 30 45. Everything is working, fine, but definitely for that 60fps feeling you have to set it a bit low. This games, a must-have if you're going to get the Galaxy Note 8 looks so damn incredible, and you can also do these stunts to get some points for the boost playing the same stage on the iPhone. Just like the Galaxy Note are, the frame rate has dropped on the iPhone as well I'm, not getting that 60fps, smooth, buttery feeling but yeah again, like the bezels are here, so I think I have to give the win to the note aid with this game as well. Again, no lag whatsoever is just that.

There's no 60fps feeling the frame rate is similar to the note 8 running and at about 30 to 45 FPS. Next we got GTA San Andreas, my favorite game, let's see which one will play this game smoother for us. Let's begin with the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 on default. The settings are high for the Galaxy Note 8. So it's like little less than max still pretty high stuff going on, and you can see it's running pretty smooth, consistent, 40 frames per second 40 plus frames per second hey.

Let's try it out on the iPhone first thing: I can notice. Is that those weird cloud glitches that we were seeing on the Galaxy Note 8 are absent on the iPhone. So probably it's it's more optimized for iOS than Android, and you can see it's working perfect I think it's working better on the iPhone as far as the frame rate goes, but then again we don't really know at what setting this game is running. Feels like it's running on high this game cost about six dollars in the App Store. So next up we have the best shooting game currently available for handheld devices, which is the modern, combat 5, so I'm playing the awakening stage.

This is the second stage, and again we can customize the settings for the note 8 little as far as the FPS go. So here are the graphics. As you can see, everything is set all the way to the max and let's see we got a Crouch okay, we got a perfect gun, oops fire, let's throw the grenade, so performance is looking stunning awesome. One word great, no lag, no hiccups, super optimized for this processor. Looking great on this amazing huge display, let's check the graphics on the iPhone, 7, plus and wow.

This is also super smooth. Ok, so I guess it's the draw. Next, we have a really high-end game that I have played a lot on my Galaxy S8 plus, and it's called as injustice -. So, let's see how the note 8 and the iPhone 7 plus will handle this game side by side. So we are playing similar stage, which is the stage number 1, let's go, and obviously we'll be playing first on the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 feels pretty smooth, no lag whatsoever so far.

Ok, so it was a good performance, but it wasn't super-duper smooth like 60fps performance, so let's see how it will run on the iPhone, 7, plus, okay, continuing alright, so right from the start, I can see that the punches. We have this like every time, I've punched, this, like effect going on that wasn't present on the Galaxy Note 8. Then again, it's the fault of developers, not fault of Samsung, or you know, processor or anything like that. It's just optimized better on the Samsung I mean the iPhone, 7 plus, and I can confirm that this game runs way better on a Qualcomm processor. So my note aid is in Exodus processor phone, so you can play this game on a Qualcomm phone to get much better performance like this game on my 1 plus 5, so I've experienced that still the experience wise I won't say that iPhone is like completely better than the node 8, because again bezels, but when it comes to smoothness, the iPhone goes better with this game.

So final game we have is asphalt extreme and, like I said, this is the best offer game available for phones and let's try out the first stage on the Samsung Galaxy Note 8, so Wow. This is amazing. Look at this takes every inch of the screen and amazing smooth, optimization I've played this before, and this is a must-have on your phone, and I've. Seen in some of the hands-on videos that this game you know was pre-installed on the Galaxy Note 8. It's that good.

It's that optimized so definitely download it right away. Once you get Galaxy, Note, 8 or even the s8 plus I mean this infinity display. It's just game-changer oops got rest. Let's try it out on the iPhone again we're going to be playing the very first stage. Okay.

So it's looking smooth just like the note 8, but if I have to pick one between these two phones, so when it comes to asphalt, extreme I would definitely go with the Galaxy Note aid. I mean the display is just amazing. Like I said it's not all about that. Vs, hey guys, that was the gaming comparison of the iPhone 7 plus versus the Samsung Galaxy Note 8. You can see that the gap between the Android and iOS you know performance gaming performance has been closed.

Almost I mean some optimization are still a bit better on the iPhone, but for all I mean they are pretty similar. The experience is definitely better. For me, I would definitely choose the note 8 over the iPhone 7 plus for games. Because of this amazing display and big display, because I like to play games on big screen six point three inches present less is just amazing, so I hope you guys have enjoyed this video type of like and make sure to subscribe for future content and I will see you guys in the next one peace out.


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