Samsung Galaxy A20/A30 Rear Camera Glass replacement, Quick Method By Ricks Tech

By Ricks Tech
Aug 21, 2021
Samsung Galaxy A20/A30 Rear Camera Glass replacement, Quick Method

G'day in today's video I'm replacing the camera glass on a Samsung Galaxy a20. This is also the same method for an a30 granted. I will be only doing the quick method today, where it's a bit riskier. It does have a little more chance of damaging the camera lenses themselves, where the typical long method I'll take the back off and then replace the glass with the back separated from the phone. Typically, I do this on higher flagship phones, where there's a lot more chance than the if you damage the cameras themselves, it's a lot more of an expensive repair, but anyway, I've had it sitting on my blue heat pad here for at 75 or 70 75 degrees. For a few minutes now, just to heat up the adhesive, and now I'm going to use a pair of tweezers to hopefully remove this camera glass.

So, let's see how we go, I'm just going to pry underneath and up that's. It looks like it's going to come off. Just fine I'll do the same around the other corner. There we go. That's removed most of that as a single piece, as you can see here, and that camera does look like it did get a fair bit of dirt and dust over time.

So we'll just give it a quick, quick wipe with a microfiber cloth. I may choose to use something a bit harsher like a toothbrush, but I want to see how this quick dust off goes. That seems to be okay granted any really way of knowing for certain is by loading the phone up and checking your camera first. I will just turn off my heat pad here as that's at about 70 degrees, and I no longer need to use the temperature, so we'll just go around this bottom corner just here. That is good.

Now I'll put down the double-sided adhesive first, which hopefully that has stayed on the back here. Okay and now we need to remove this one now, I'm not too sure which camera holes are larger or if there is an actual larger camera hole. Take that off. Remove that remove the bottom one now to keep this face upright. I shouldn't end up getting any dust in there just because dust falls with gravity and there we go yeah, it's hard to say that that adhesive will hold it there perfectly, but it's considerably better than what it was.

As you can see here. One thing to note: if you do replace your camera glass and your photo, your camera is still coming up. Let's say relatively spotty like there are various specs on the camera or on the glass. Then it's highly likely that your camera module will need to be replaced as if you've had it broken for an extended period of time and there's a large amount of dust on the cameras itself. Then it's highly likely.

You will yeah it's definite that you will have to replace the camera module and the glass itself anyway. That's how to replace the camera glass on an a20 and a30 the quick method, not always the best method, but a quick one. Bye.

Source : Ricks Tech

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