Rapoo VT900 Unboxing/Hands on review! Is this the best budget gaming mouse in the world? By TechUtopia

By TechUtopia
Aug 15, 2021
Rapoo VT900 Unboxing/Hands on review! Is this the best budget gaming mouse in the world?

Salamualikum' in Jose on, Wei Alan welcome back peace, be upon you, ?, not unboxing, in hands-on test, very poo, again rapier. This is a gaming mouse. Oh my god, a VT 900 on bang code, they're selling for 760 bucks. You can have the buying links in the description. This is a 16,000 DR, RGB, backlit, IR optical gaming, mouse and PS notes with the all--it DIY display. That is crazy bro.

That is crazy. It is crazy adjustable. We can even put some cool logos on it, which is again. This is the first time I'm having a mouse with the actual display and all that this thing, crazy, bro, so remember, use my borrowings below to purchase it. This is the box, so you can use it when the Windows 10 Windows 8, Windows, 7, Windows Vista, and this XP probably can use it even with, of course, Android adjustable counterweight system adjustable real time CPI, but button customizable, all the display of bridging light LED with 16 million colors economical design with 12 programmable, but program a program of programmable buttons and accurate navigation.

Here we have the top features. Obviously the top features were just named, and here they are in Chinese and English language. MMM looks awesome. So, let's see here, what do we have in the box? Are we gonna? Just we have the Quick, Start Guide I. Think, let's check here.

It is it in English we have Chinese, we have Chinese and I think we have English. Let me just see: do we have English here, yep kind of? Is that kind of thing? Gosh, let's see here, oh yeah, we do have English. Sorry, for that we do have. English is just over here ninjas. So that's good.

That is good. We have here been the mouse. There is the mouse, a beauty ninjas. This is probably the coolest Mouse that I ever had with all the display just over here. Oh, my god is so beautiful can't wait to check it out.1 2 3 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 11 buttons, all together, ninjas. That is a lot.

That is a lot and the cable is very long, and now we're going to check. Also, this additional thing, which of course will help you to balance your mouth. Some of you do love to have a light mouth. Some of them have to have some of you like to have a heavier heavier mouse. Mouse is in your hands, so let's check it out: okay, Polly with the six removable clump weights.

So these are the clump weighs in just six of them. Just show you right now how they look like, and we will insert them here. We go voil?, and we'll show you immediately how you're going to put them before we go to test this mouse, and just simply here pull this off. It's very easy! Ninjas, and here you go. You can put all of them or me.

Don't know three of them just depends on off you, I'll just show you how it looks like there you go, you can adjust them, I can adjust. All six of them are out there. So with it there are six removable clump weights, you could adjust the mouse weight and central point makes it more suitable for you again, I do have I, do love heavier Mouse's and yes, I, don't like to have a light Mouse, just my feeling in my hands. Just my own taste, you know- and we just put it back- put it back very simple and very easy. Just put these two over here and voil? done.

Oh, it's much better, so Adam, sound loudness of the clicks. Mouse is just fine, but left and right are a bit loud for bedroom use. It's going to be annoying. If you have your wife in your bedroom room, the side buttons are manageable, but the left and right not too annoying ninjas. Please check this out.

Oh wow, that is crazy. Mouse, with a mini all. It displays Wow, Wow bro. That is completely nuts 16000 CPI, so I think every is different. CPI has a different, color, I think so yeah, let's check it out.

Oh, no! It doesn't it just flashes. While we are doing like that, okay wow, that is amazing, beautiful gaming mode, normal mode gaming mode, normal mode beautiful. So you can adjust these settings from this option over here, and it's five vibrates ingest. It has vibration inside it. Oh, oh, my god.

Yes, it does vibrate just by pressing this number button over here it has vibration wow. That is crazy. How cool this rap too is just the piece of the beast there you go somehow I have the blue-green wait. A minute is changing. The color is changing the color.

That is absolutely insane. What kind of mouse is this highly recommend for $60? This is just amazing. So we have all in vivid, visible. Is a visualization, yeah? Okay, whether the customer are customized all the display. You can set a set, a unique pattern through the driver and makes it show on display.6 is 0.87 inches in just one hand 28 with 32 pixels, of course, image custom next hand-painted scroll and import image. We have a BMW 3389 sensors, built-in high and the gaming sensor and supports IR optical tracking.

Maximum dpi is one as 16400, IPs and 5g acceleration. Seven files, dpi values: you can. You could set seven files, dpi values from 500 to 16,000, which I showed you from hearing just six times, and also it has onboard memory built in memory to save the mouse, configuration macro, TPR settings and breathing light mode, and this is the don't know. I'm left, I'm left speechless again. I'm left speechless the last time I reviewed the mouse from Abu.

This is completely a huge step up in the game. Images huge step up in the games. I know $60 for the mouse $62. It is a bit more pricey but check it out. What check it on what you get I.

Think anybody who sees this mouse in your hands when it comes at home. He will be absolutely wondering what is that in your hand, Wow, and when you just highly recognized here there may be a later on if I find free time, I'm going to try to test it with a game or so. But for now this looks just a pic. Just looks epic buy it with Maddox Widow i7. Have you ever wondered where to buy smartphones from Chicka, Jing, Jing, Jing, Jing China? That is the gearbest.

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Source : TechUtopia

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