Today's video is obviously about this big iPad I mean iPhone yeah. Why? Just why? Why this over another phone? Well, let's take a look at the elephant in the room by just starting with size. This is an old iPhone for pretty moderate, good-sized iPhone s iPhone SE, which is essentially an iPhone 6 and iPhone 5 body. This is Jordan's. This was my old phone which, with the lightproof case, looks quite alright. So without the lightproof case, it's cracked.
However, it was given to me about a year and a half ago by a co-worker named Kate, so Thank You, Kate, if you're ever watching this, but this size of phone was actually really ideal for me: don't have the biggest hands so right in between an iPhone, 5 or iPhone SE, and this iPhone Oh CHO Bruce. So why did I get it? Why did I get essentially a tablet for a phone? This is why, right here, I wasn't the biggest fan, no pun intended there. I wasn't the biggest fan of the size at first, like your kind of adapt to whatever size phone you had I. Remember when I. First, got this from Kate, and before I had this I had a five which was essentially this body and I thought this was massive.
Now going from that to this, this is huge, but believe it or not, you kind of just adapt to whatever you have so another thing I did want to mention this setup. I got it yes, of course, I have this Fuji film set up on a Jodi tripod with an external microphone, the rode video micro, and it's an awesome setup. I love it, but sometimes it is just too big. Furthermore, I cannot take it places without being completely obvious or without it being completely obvious that I'm, filming or whatever, really I'm, doing, vlogging and filming, which sometimes is a good thing, sometimes is a bad thing. Furthermore, I feel with this.
People might think that it's more of like a selfie stick setup and people won't really bother. You know it will just sort of oh yeah he's just taking a photograph instead of making it a film enough blabbering, let's go to Boulder Colorado and test out this phone see what kind of video capabilities it has before tear out old foods. All foods are corporate, get some snacks. We've got some salads at Whole. Foods yeah yesterday did not end up getting any sort of story for the footage, but I hope some of that b-roll looks good, can't really know without waiting till post.
So back to the pearl back to Pearl Street, we dare. How are we going to this Barnes & Noble here? Oh yeah, that's it well my hand. Instead of the king hey little thing lemon light, you can't cause the mother I'm so hardened enamel. So in conclusion, the iPhone 8 plus good for bureau I didn't really, really like the front-facing camera. As far as talking to it like I'm doing to this one, it's kind of lower quality I guess you could flip the phone around and film.
That way. Just to let you guys know, I did nothing with the footage. I did no color grading just added some matte bars, I didn't have any sort of stabilizer. It was just held with the tripod that you saw at the beginning. I had fun doing it, you'll see more of that footage come out or more of this vlog footage come out from that phone in the very near future.
We are actually going on a little trip tomorrow, we're packing. So that is all for this vlog. Thank you for tuning and until next time,.
Source : Joshua Romero-Perry