iPhone XR UNBOXING By Christina Wedvik

By Christina Wedvik
Aug 15, 2021

Hey guys, what's up and welcome to a new video I'm, not gonna, make this intro too long, because, as you probably already could tell up by the title, I did a pretty huge investment today. Basically I was at the Apple Store today and I brought some stuff home. Actually just one item but yeah I, don't really know how to act. How to feel I mean I feel pretty good, but basically you already know, so I, don't know why I'm like dragging this all the way out, but I bought myself a new phone and iPhone as most of my friends. So my family knows my current phone really sucks. It's this one iPhone 6, and I've had it for almost four years.

I think, and I mean it's done its job. It's been with me through all those four years. I just don't know what is wrong with it, because I only think it's like my model, that's like wrong because it first it doesn't find like Wi-Fi internet, so I can't connect with most Wi-Fi's. The Bluetooth is really, really bad and slow so like when my friends aren't going to airdrop me pictures and stuff, it doesn't work. Basically, my GPS doesn't work as it should like I've gotten.

A few questions wondering like: where did the heck? Are you at because of my snap map location? The battery is really really awful like way worse than it should be. Like I mean I know all models have the poorest battery life and like knew once, but my battery life, the worst also my text messages it's like kind of living, its own life and that's the problems. I came on like on the spot right now. It probably has a lot more, but basically I lived with this phone for a pretty long, while complain about it a lot so today, I thought this is day when I'm going to buy a new phone and I did, so I thought I would just like inbox it with you guys. So we have this Apple bag right here, obviously, and in this bag.

It's the main thing: I have bought myself an iPhone 10 hour, XR, whatever I was really stuck between the 10 and the 10 art, because I just really can't get myself to spend that much money on like the 10s and 10s max, because it's just a lot of freaking money, and then it just got a little spontaneous I guess in the 10r, and I'm so freaking happy, although it's kind of gone now right now, so is that, like that, for the light, anyways I, don't care I just want to unbox this bad boy? So let's do it also. My camera's battery is blinking red, which is a bad sign. So if it's going to go out of battery while I'm filming this I'm going to be really, really mad. Oh my god! It's a paper! Okay! So here it is whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, okay, that's fun! I! Do that always so! I chose the black one, which is, if you know me, you know that I love yellow, and they have like this yellow model. But it was just like this.

Easter, yellow, and I didn't really want that, and the black one like matches with everything I think it looks like pretty cool, and then I also have like black edges instead of like yellow edges around here, okay I'm turning it on right now, oh my god, sorry, hello! Okay, can I choose Norwegian yeah whoops, what? Oh, my god, we have a lot of countries. I just did that Oh see now I'm supposed to get my stuff on this over here boy on Bluetooth is so bad that it doesn't work. Oh yeah, hey it's working, that's like so cool what it's even finding the boy flying okay, so it says it! It's gonna, take a few minutes. So, let's unbox the rest of this box. We got the headphones young and a charger, and that's it.

Okay, now I'm going to activate the face ID. What you look so weird we're going to do that later. It's fine um, so yeah, nothing more fun in that box, oh my god! Actually, I guess high seating wouldn't about it, I've kind of seen. It turns that drop today. I see the speed.

No music Siri, it's buddy, whoa. Okay, now it's like getting all my apps and pictures and contacts and all that it's probably going to take some time as calculating right now, so we'll see, but yeah I think that's gonna, be it for today's video, because I really want to get this video done and like battery is really low. I also want to add a little disclaimer. I guess: I do pay for this phone myself. My current phone is really, really bad, so I do still get an amount for my mom and dad to like, kill me and get a new phone, but I pay the rest myself I, don't just like to get a new phone.

Occasionally I'm still get that out. There I don't have a lot of money to like to spend on these things, but after living with this phone for like a pretty long time, I find that this is like an investment for me that I really just spend a lot of money on. So that's what I did then I want to. Thank you guys for watching this video and I hope you are having an awesome day wherever you are I. Don't know why I said that or do that, but thanks for watching thumbs up this video I've never done that that way before I subscribe.

If you haven't already, and I'll see you guys in my next video.

Source : Christina Wedvik

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