iPhone SE (2020) vs Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra (720p) By SpeedTest G

By SpeedTest G
Aug 14, 2021
iPhone SE (2020) vs Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra (720p)

So, the iPhone SE 2020 edition caused quite the stir because it has the a13 Bionic processor in it, and I have already tested against the IFO 11 and the overall performance of the iPhone SE is very, very close to that of the IFO 11. But what happens if we test it against an android device like the galaxy s, 20 altar, which one do you feeds going to win? Well, let's find out so with the iPhone SE, the 2020 edition, with the a13 Bionic processor. On the left-hand side, we have the galaxy s 20 ultra with the snapdragon 865 on the right-hand side, now I've reduced the screen resolution of the guy cs20 to 720p so 720 by 1600. On the left-hand side, the iPhone is in 750 by 1334, so the question is: does the s20 ultra scale down? Does that affect the performance at all? Does it increase of all ones we're about to find out we're both in the compression test? At this point, there's dipping up the files and the iPhone is out first, the iPhones into the 16 thread test before the galaxy s 20 ultra. So this is interesting. Both of them are doing well, I.

Think, there's, 20 old shows going to take the lead when it comes to the 16th straight test. Will it get there? Yes, it just beats the iPhone by a second there into the blur test now into the mix, CPU GPU part, but test neck-and-neck. At this point on the iPhone SE, chameleon is the first into the infinite scrolling list. The first day to start scrolling is at the moment you have the smoke particle test. In fact, it comes up now on the iPhone.

What's the Reagan appeal on the left, 34 frames 33 frames a second on the right hand, side 24:23 knows it because, there's a big difference there in the 2d testing, as we are already into UT test off the iPhone, and now the s20 old is also introduced to test running at 720p and 750 P and apples straight there. We go one minute 15 seconds and the s20 is also coming to the end of the test. Now, what's it going to be there we go one minute. Twenty-one point: two: okay: let's break down those scores and see exactly what happened so as we saw where the iPhone SE beat the Galaxy S 20 Ultra, even though the Galaxy S 20 ultra running in 720p I, do have a question about whether it scales down words correctly or whether it's a performance penalty for that. In fact, let's look at the scores: the CPU 39.5 for the iPhone 38.5 for galaxy s, 20 ultra, so actually that's 20 able to us faster in the CPU department, beating the iPhone SE, but when we get to the mix, CPU GPU everything changes drastically. Twenty point: five versus twenty-four point: eight: that a four point: three-second difference between those two devices they're in the favor of the iPhone SE, when we get to GPU fifteen seconds versus 17.7. So a two point: seven second win by the iPhone.

When you have all those times you get a week win of one minute: fifteen for the iPhone SE 2020 Edition, my nice guy seems this is speedy. I really hope you enjoyed this video. If you did, please do give it a thumbs up and if you like this kind of tests- and you want to see more iPhone SE tests, then stick around by subscribing to the channel. Ok, that's it I'll see you in the next one.

Source : SpeedTest G

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