iPhone 11 Pro Max is a Battery BEAST!!! By Agent Vinay

By Agent Vinay
Aug 14, 2021
iPhone 11 Pro Max is a Battery BEAST!!!

Good morning, YouTube, just a very quick video here talking about how much of an insane battery beast, iPhone 11 max pro maxes. This thing is a thing monster when it comes to battery lay so check this out, it's 849 am on Saturday, October 5th. The last time this phone came off, the charger was Thursday at 6:30 1 am that means 50 hours and 18 minutes ago, 50 hours ago, so it took 50 hours to go from 100 percent to 3 percent, and this is about the third or fourth time. This is happening. Is this kind of battery life experience going to continue pretty good chance with how much Apple has spent thinking about battery life. It's not like an Android phone that you get 40 hours stand by the first two times, and then it rapidly deteriorates to 16 since Thursday at 6:31 am when I pulled it off the charger.

This is the screen time three hours and 35 minutes on Thursday two hours and 25 minutes on Friday and 43 minutes today. So what is that total 43, plus six hours and forty-five minutes give or take standby, see the ops that I've been using nothing extraordinary or unusual for a battery that was overly used? Don't think this is correct. That's the bulk of my time today was spent reviewing my running from yesterday, okay, so yeah. This has happened over and over and over again, I am getting 48 plus hours, standby and 6 to 8 hours of screen time together going from 100% with this battery. What a champion there'll be tons of people who were kind of light use users that charge this get take this phone off the charger when they wake up in the morning and 16 hours later, when they're about to go to bed, the phone will be at 80% there'll, be many users like that heavy users will see the phone drop to 50% in the first day and if you're like I, really a big-time power user, that's doing tons of gaming and kind of high horsepower tasks, maybe you'll get to 50% earlier during the day, but Wow the way I use it.

If I take it off the charger in the morning at 100%, there's no way MP needing to charge of that day and possibly even the next day. That's how impressive the battery life is on this floor. It's the most impressive battery life I have seen so far enough phone that I've used as a daily driver. Okay, thank you so much for watching.

Source : Agent Vinay

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