How to set alarm in Samsung Galaxy A70s By 5-Minutes Tech

By 5-Minutes Tech
Aug 21, 2021
How to set alarm in Samsung Galaxy A70s

Hello friends welcome to FAM psych this Samsung Galaxy S7 t a smartphone in this video relay and how you can set alarm in your phone Samsung Galaxy s7 TS. First, you need to go to the home screen of your phone. Here, select, clock, icon, and now you can eat available Adam. Otherwise, you can- and you are amusing Pleasantville first said time for where all along I have selected five. Here you can set the days you can select all days. Oh, you can select some particular days only in a long name just you can assign any name for a long, so it is easy for what purpose you are going to sit.

You can easily remember it, so I here, for example, set as study and in alarm sound'. Just you can turn on or turn off, and also we can choose the ringtone far along in vibration, chest you can turn on turn off, and you can choose between the options. Click over alarm to change ringtone for alarm. This is like selecting a ringtone just pick up any tone within your phone, otherwise use plus symbol to select from the music files. Click then, finally go back to activate yes sector ringtone would be acting as wrong and in snooze just turn on or turn off, and also you can change a timing for snooze, just you can select between the available options.

So in this way you can easily customize you are along and finally click on sale. Yes, your alarm is set now, and it will be repeated all those particular days you actually the soul. Friend thanks for watching subscribe for more euros, bye.

Source : 5-Minutes Tech

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