Hello friends welcome to FAM psych. This is Samsung Galaxy S on your smartphone in this video. You learn how you can add fingerprint aimed for Samsung Galaxy S7 TS. First, you need to go to settings in our phone click here for settings now. Select biometrics and security here select fingerprints for the pattern for authentication, click on new and click OK. You can place your finger here.
This is same display fingerprint, so you display itself. You can register you are in the print, yes, follow the on-screen instructions and keep your finger multiple times with slightly varying positions. Yes, one fingerprint aside and if you want to add morphing up and use hand button, and this time you saw a finger place, each share module times. Yes, it has been had a successfully, then if you have finished, and also you can eat, of a fingerprint in his name of your fingerprint, then check everything up in here. Yes, it also shows the name of her fingerprint, where you put her fingerprint, he can also check from the NOC screen.
Yes, he's like and easy shake. Your fingerprint, yes is working. Very fine. There are all friends thanks for watching bye,.
Source : 5-Minutes Tech