Galaxy Z Fold 3 Under Panel Camera on Front and Inner Displays? | OnePlus 9 Announcement By GregglesTV

By GregglesTV
Aug 13, 2021
Galaxy Z Fold 3 Under Panel Camera on Front and Inner Displays? | OnePlus 9 Announcement

What is going on guys welcome to goggles TV daily. Let's get into the tech news. First story of the day is about the one plus nine most likely, the one plus nine and maybe a smartwatch, and maybe another one plus nine as well as another variation of it a cheaper model. They have announced pretty much that they're going to announce something on March 8th. It says something new is on the horizon: stay tuned march, 8th you can enter in your email address, and they'll email. You more and more information arises, but yeah March 8th is looking like the day that they're probably going to announce those phones, it kind of makes sense.

I don't see why they wouldn't do it right then, and there and then, if they do it, you're, probably looking at maybe a month later be able to actually get in your hands maybe longer than that but yeah. If you're an OnePlus fan march, 8th should be a pretty big day. For us last story of today is all about the Galaxy Z fold three, and if we're going to see a camera on the front on this little me of the small screen or when we open it up, are we going to see one there as well? We've already spoken about there being s pen support for the phone, so you'd be able to physically use a spin there's also been rumors because of the interview I did with Ross young that they're gonna actually be able to insert the s pen into the z fold, three, which would be a huge thing, much bigger and more convenient than the way they do it with the galaxy s21 ultra, where you have to get a case and put it into the case with all that said, let's talk about the chances of there being no camera on here on the in inner display, because we've heard there isn't going to be, and we haven't heard much about it. Is there going to be one on the outside display? This tweet comes from uh Chen. Who's got a fairly a perfect track record, he's saying, z, fold three under display camera or uh under panel camera.

Whatever you want to call it inner display, which is the bigger part of the display 100 chance they'll, be there will be an under display camera or under panel camera. Again, however, you want to word it. The outer display, which is the smaller skinnier. One he's saying: there's a 20 to 30 chance that it will um have an under panel under display camera. He says at least based on the current prototypes.

So what does that mean for us where we left? So it sounds like, and we've been hearing this for a while this main display you will not see a camera on the display, it's going to lie underneath it. As for the SK, the small one, the skinny one, you should probably see a camera. I do expect it to probably be a little smaller than it was on the Galaxy Z, full 2, but on the galaxy so z-fold three probably you're, going to see it and then that kind of rides into the galaxy's default. Four it'll probably be gone by that point, and it makes sense they don't want to give you everything at once. They want you a reason to buy everything.

You know buy the new phone every single time. It's the way. Most companies do it anyway, it's not like they probably couldn't do it here. It's probably they don't want to, so they have something to you know, push on the next variation of the phone thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe new videos every single day. My question now to you guys is: what do you guys think? Are you do you need to have that under display camera, or you don't really care um and also? What do you think the chances are based off what you've been hearing, and what do you want it to be? Let me know, thanks for watching, see you down the road.

Source : GregglesTV

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