Galaxy S21 vs iPhone; Instagram Stories Quality Comparison By Mark's Tech

By Mark's Tech
Aug 14, 2021
Galaxy S21 vs iPhone; Instagram Stories Quality Comparison

Hey guys what is going on and welcome back to Mark's tech. Does this chair go any lower yeah there we go. That seems about right, so many people over the last couple of months, actually close to a year, have asked me to do an update video regarding Instagram Snapchat quality on android devices uh when compared to you know iPhone devices. Now I did do a couple of those videos um. I didn't really think that they were that um. I guess interesting to be honest, I just did them just to do them really, but apparently a lot of people were curious about it, in fact, so much so that I keep getting requests to this day to do an update video uh.

Regarding the hang on it's my pocket, it's my main device, so it's in my pocket, the s21 up against the should have prepared, was my iPhone against the iPhone. So that is exactly what we're going to be doing so, if you're new here, and you've never seen this kind of comparison before. Let me fill you in on exactly what I do. It's very simple. I just take two of these phones.

I take the same photo on Instagram, for example. Then I'll save that photo to the camera roll and then show you guys the end result, and then you guys can kind of come up with your own interpretation of. If, if that really even matters to you, I mean obviously, if you're watching this video, you might kind of care. You know the quality because I'll, you know spoiler alert anytime. I upload a video using Samsung devices or um, really any android devices uh.

Someone always replies to me with um you're using an android. Aren't you and I'm like yeah yeah? I am so spoiler alert, it's still not great, but it did get better now. The reason is that it is much easier by the way, if you guys just want to skip to the comparison, click somewhere here or skip uh, but the reason why iPhone is always better when it comes to third-party camera. Applications are simply because it is much easier to optimize for iPhone, because well, there's only one iPhone like just the brand iPhone right, and it's all running one. You know one uh operating system iOS, so it's just much easier to optimize for that.

Instead of having to optimize for every single android device out there I mean there are tons and not everyone is using the latest android update, so that's kind of what it is. So first things up are photos. Now, I'm not going to get my opinion into this, I'm going to let you guys decide, so I'm going to stay quiet, I'm going to let you guys take a look at the photos. Come up with the result for yourself now to help you guys out, I'm going to put a red circle around the areas that I think are kind of to be um, to pay attention to basically uh to kind of help. You guys out a little.

Okay, so yeah, I'm actually not gonna. Do the red circle thing, because I'm looking at the photos now- and they are very similar like very similar, so there's nothing really in a circle, but the video is, on the other hand, oh boy just keep watching so were the photos similar, were they different? Were they uh completely? You know completely just on a different ball game. Let me know in the comments below, and now we're going to do the video test. Now the video quality test um on android using third-party camera applications, the gap is even bigger. So if you guys thought that the photo gap wasn't that big well wait until the video, so now we're doing the front-facing video test on Instagram how's, the HDR for some reason a Samsung's very zoomed in I don't know, what's going on there, but um, and also how is the stabilization uh with these two phones, and now we're comparing the rear test.

I can just see the Samsung is jumping around because I'm going down a slight hill uh. These are basically the differences that you guys will see with iPhone and android. I have to admit, after looking at the photo comparison test, the Samsung's are doing a perfect job at the photos. The videos not so much, so we all know the Samsung isn't the greatest when it comes to stabilization. But what about the actual quality? Yeah, iPhone wins.

I'm sorry guys. But it's like come on man. It's obvious and this kind of sucks, because I'm actually going on vacation soon, I'm going up to the mountains, because I want to see some snow, and I'm bringing I'm going to bring my iPhone because you know I want good quality video, basically just for Instagram and Snapchat, and you know for whatever else. Also, I don't know if it's just me, but it looks like the Samsung is recording in 30 frames per second and the iPhone is doing 60. I don't know that could be just dude.

I don't know I'm trying to figure this thing out, just as much as you guys, so, as you guys can tell iPhone, is just leagues ahead when it comes to video on third-party camera applications like Snapchat and Instagram uh. By the way I didn't include Snapchat in this video, because from my understanding and from my experience, Instagram and Snapchat uh using android devices are basically the same thing same quality. So that's why I didn't want to really bore you guys with another comparison. Um Samsung has tried to kind of fix this issue before with the s10. When the s10 came out, you guys remember you had the Instagram mode uh.

They said that they were partnering up with uh Instagram. This is gonna, be huge. Well that only lasted a year because uh the s20 series of phones, uh, did not have Instagram mode. So that was like a one-time thing. I don't know, but even then using Instagram mode on the s10 um.

The differences were so minor and plus, whenever you're trying to record an Instagram story. The last thing you want to do is actually leave the Instagram app open up your camera app toggle over to Instagram mode. Take a video then go back to Instagram it too many things dude too many things. Just I mean I respect Samsung for trying, but way too many steps way too. Many steps are included just to take proper quality photos and videos uh, but that kind of sucks.

To be honest, so, in my opinion, um iPhone is still kind of king of third-party camera applications. When you know it comes to Snapchat or an Instagram, why do you think a lot of uh famous people a lot of models? They use an iPhone for Instagram stories, don't be thinking, that's their using an OnePlus 7 pro or the pixel 5, or whatever no they're using iPhones, even if they're advertising like uh, like I remember this one Russian Instagram model advertising for Huawei, but I know for a fact she's using an iPhone, so it is kind of it is what it is. I mean they're not going to use a lower quality phone to take videos because those videos are a portrait of them, so it makes sense. Um again, iPhone is still king, sorry guys uh, but you know you guys saw it for yourself. That's basically it so if you guys enjoyed today's video, definitely leave me a like down below and also if you're new here consider subscribing.

This was mark from marketed adios.

Source : Mark's Tech

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