Galaxy Note 20 Ultra [ Samsung 15 watt wireless charger SPEED-TEST] By JOHN'S EVERYDAY REVIEW

Aug 14, 2021
Galaxy Note 20 Ultra [ Samsung 15 watt wireless charger SPEED-TEST]

What's up everyone, john here with another video, and today we're going to be talking about this Samsung wireless charger stand 15 watts of power wirelessly some quick specs. We got 15 watts wireless charging 2.0 along with the fan cooling system. It's QI compatible, which means it works with any smartphone. That's got. Wireless charging also does have a fan and LED light control, and you can use this in both portrait or landscape mode, and here we start the test at two minutes and 40, and we are at one percent so 241. Now, let's see where we get once we get 10 minutes into it at 250.

Let's see what it shows up as 14 10 minutes later you get 14 charged wirelessly. Now you got to remember. This is wirelessly very you know incredible that you can get 14 wirelessly after only 10 minutes compared to you know any other wireless charger, you're looking at three to four hours, five hours of charge, time and three o'clock we're now at 26 percent. So, as you can tell very quick system, runs very efficiently. You get steady increments of 10 to 13 charge every 10 minutes, which is very incredible for wireless charging once again- and this is 15 watts- wireless charging, 2.0 um- it does come with a 25 watt, brick in the box, and now we're at 36 look at that 36 percent. Only what 20 minutes into charging that is very impressive, 30 minutes into charging we're at 37 percent um, so yeah the whole system does come with a 25 watt, brick adapter for the wall, and you do need to use that in order to get your full gains of 15 wireless charging or 15 watt.

I should say- and here we are 10 minutes later at 320- and let's see what we got- 47 wow we're already at almost 50 percent charge. After only what 30 40 minutes of charge, that's impressive, and this is a 4 500 William hour battery. That's inside the note, 20 ultra and here in this test, we'll see some specs so about 990, almost a thousand William reading um in temperatures at 37.6 degrees Celsius, which is not bad a little hotter than I would like it to be. But again it is wireless charging, so wireless charging is definitely hotter than wire charging um, even though it's only at that 15 watt rating. Now, let's see we're at 330, let's see where we are.

We at 58 wow, 40 minutes later, and we're at 58. That is very impressive. Now I know it doesn't show on this, but this is the fast wireless charging 2.0 um. I kept the screen off the whole entire charge test just to make sure, except for the times I read the measurements, which was only twice in this whole charge time um, so the screen's been off the whole time now, when you first plug it in or not plugging in when you first lay down the wireless charging pad, it does say fast charging wirelessly. So here we are at 340 one hour later, and we're almost at 70 percent.

That is impressive.70 percent, our wireless charging, unbelievable- and here we are 10 minutes after that. So we're going to be about an hour and 10 minutes total and let's see what we come up with here we go 350, and we are at 79 wow. That is very impressive, very impressive. Now getting to the price of this item. They are about 80 brands new.

Now this has been out for about a year a little longer than a year, so the price has drastically come down. You can get these anywhere from 50 to about 65 roughly and here we are at almost four o'clock, and we are ready at 84. So it's its just at this point you can tell it's its very impressive: it does not slow down the whole entire way 85 after what an hour and 20 minutes. If that um very, very impressive, so but yeah you can get these for a very good deal. Now, I'm on Amazon they're they're get down into the 50s, so I say it is an impeccable deal.

If you want that quick wireless charging that Samsung has to offer, which you can't go wrong with this product, and here we are at 410, and we are now at 94. Look at that. That is that, like I said it's just very impressive 94! So here we are, it's going to be about an hour and a half later, and we are at fully charged look at that 100 about an hour and 30 minutes later we are at 100 charge on a 4 500 William hour battery very nice charging system. If you can buy a couple of them, you won't regret it. Thanks.


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