Funniest IPhone 11 Unboxing Fails and Hilarious Moments 5 By YesEpicYes

By YesEpicYes
Aug 14, 2021
Funniest IPhone 11 Unboxing Fails and Hilarious Moments 5

A long time, I dream about iPhone 11pro max today, I, have it I want to open my dream: is you also your heart and I want to look at you can't wait, can't wait! I'm here, just look on this box, maybe something more, maybe little surprise for me. Father Father Barbra Jean, nothing special! But what can we see? Oh, not scissors. What's s's I, don't know an old Apple. Oh, this is very important sink, and you buy a new iPhone I'm, very glad. Okay, next step, please letter, letters and what this is I can't believe. It's not white, it's not a form.

This is good. Some soup, I phoned them to say mean all use. This is iPhone 11 products, but it's not now in this video I will be unboxing a new phone that I just got from an online website. It is the new iPhone 11 Pro Max, but the reason I cut. This phone is very, very simple: iPhone 11, Pro Marks has the best phone camera on the market period for any mobile phone.

I saw someone who was willing to sell their used food. That's why I got I, got it off, and I go no quite cheap. That's the county. Experience of just holding the cotton is just amazing. So are you ready? Are you ready for sisters? Oh my god.

They literally put an eyeful 7 today, I'm very excited because I bought a brand new iPhone 11 I was saving a lot of time for it. I bought it from not very, very, very cheap, but cheaper than usual from someone that received another one for his birthday or something like that. So he's selling one of them for cheap. This comes from France yeah. The packaging isn't the best.

My iPhone 7 I had it for a lot of years. Okay, this is the classic Apple box. This is not an Apple box. It tells me not three Chinese. Maybe he doesn't have our box.

This is it okay, I see this is a scan. This is a recently broke my thumb in our recent mission, but I just bought the new iPhone 11 I'm, very excited for and very excited I do don't notice, as I was starting it out that the box is a little messed up. I hope, that's, not anything bad, but buzz is a little messed up and here is the box and there anything not right into it, hope the phone is in here all so, let's start out, remember you always cut away from you. We got the take off this here is. It is this.

Is the iPhone 11 you can tell in the box right here? Okay, so let's open her up and get started. So you know the first thing is like the always going to have like the important information. There's, your Apple stickers, there's couple things about starting up your phone I. Never look at things. You know like I'm, just really getting all gee, it's the iPhone 3.

Why is this in here, and what is all this? This is not the same. This is not the same phone. It's not the phone I ordered it's an iPhone 3. The first iPhone, and then this is not even a regular branded cord. It's not even like in a packaging.

It's just like shoved in here all this is not what I wanted at all. Now in this video I will be unboxing a Wi-Fi modem that I recently caught a little backstory here last week, I was trying to charge my Wi-Fi the correct Wi-Fi that I used, and it got awful, and I was unable to charge by the time the battery finish. Discharging I was unable to use Wi-Fi on my phone on my computer, so I went online, and I looked around I went on various websites, and I was looking for a seller who was willing to sell you used Wi-Fi modem lucky for me, I found someone who was really I was ready to sell the used model. This morning my package arrived, so the model came in this pocket, as you can see. Usually sense.

Yes, in a white top. What it is fine too amazing looks looks like what you want. This is nice, ? 11, and it's fun. I think the seller must have made a mistake: fool, ?, 11, Pro marks. I, don't think they intended to send this to me.

This must have been a mistake. I think I think I would fall for this phone is what on and the battery is just halfway. Wait wait for the phone to ring and is the notification here on the camera, so I'm going to wait for the phone to ring again, so I pick it up find a way to send it back to them. I, don't I, don't even ten dance, and do this to me, you could go.

Source : YesEpicYes

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