$80 Apple Folio Case vs $20 Folio Case - iPad Pro 2018 By Auto Technica

By Auto Technica
Aug 15, 2021
$80 Apple Folio Case vs $20 Folio Case - iPad Pro 2018

So this is the 2018 iPad Pro and along with it, if you remember, I had bought a few accessories, one of them being the smart folio cover for the iPad Pro. So this is an $80 case, and literally all it is, is a few magnets and a flap like this. So really it's its pretty expensive for what it is, and it really got me thinking as to what was the point of paying $80 for this. So I went on Amazon and I found one of the cheapest solutions to this for $20 it is highly strained, I believe, and I decided I need to figure out. If this $80 is worth it, or it can $20 do the trick for such a simple case, and you know Apple always has a quality. It's always perfect, there's a bunch of magnets in it.

There is our Apple finish to it, but honestly, how much of a premium can you charge for it if someone's charging 20 bucks for it versus the 80, it's a pretty big Duffel. You could buy four of these, and you'd still be just touching, where you aren't a quarter of the price. It's really hard to see if the same basic thing is really just not. You know that big deal. So, let's open it up, let's see what it's all about now this one promises to be just like this one.

So here it is right. Next to it looks somewhat here there same look same on the back as well, and then compare it and all right so, and this case is apparently the same magnet style folio as this one. So, let's look at that's a number one thing I'm noticing is that the material quality inside the iPad is definitely way better. On the Apple case, however, as I said, is it worth four times the price? That's the question, so my biggest concern is how well it's going to stay inside this case, since it is all held by magnets. That is my biggest concern.

I, it is an expensive iPad, so I am NOT, going to trust it without you know just in a cheap case, knowing that it might fall out. So, let's see so in the case, it feels pretty good, but let's see what it feels looks like when I try to wiggle it out. So no movement, almost just as sturdy as the other case, which is a good thing now I've tried previous. You know: Chinese copycat, Smart Covers. The biggest weakness has to be this flop right over here they never just seem to be as good as the Apple ones.

Let's see what this one's like, and this one I can already see like just when I propped it up like this, the magnet has become undone here. I, don't know it doesn't seem too bad, so I don't use my iPad like this too much I will use it like this. Though, and in this position it is pretty strong, alright, nice, ok! So what are some other situations so fold it back? It feels pretty good and let's just try, okay, so there's a magnet that holds it back as well. So when you have it towards the back, it just doesn't flip out, which is perfect. Okay.

So it is almost exactly the same thing as this one, except it's way cheaper and I. That's kind of what I expected, but with you guys caught the smart Keyboard, one I was a little disappointed with that. You know: I was really hoping with the eBay. The Chinese Amazon version would have really came through for me there, but it didn't this one. However, it is it's pretty much exactly the same way and this I can 100% consider you know as an true alternative to the Apple case, and it is does almost the same exact thing.

Let me even grab my Apple Pencil here, and so it latches on just like that. Just like it would on the other case, and it looks perfect, the material is a way more up. You know it's its it's not the same as the iPad. It definitely feels a little lower in quality compared to the iPad. The iPad has this more rubbery silicone finish.

This just feels it's. It feels like not the highest quality plastic like after a little, it's gonna start becoming a little worn out. I, don't know how to describe it. Is its just a feeling, I'm sure that if you've used cases like this before, you can understand a little of what I'm trying to you guys. So my verdict on the Apple and copycat Chinese version of this case is that it's actually pretty good I did not expect it to be as good for a quarter of the price.

It gets everything done it's in black. There are a few other colors I'm going to have the link down the description below if you do want to check it out or buy one for yourself, and it does almost everything the other case. Does itbe not really this case isn't really that special, so I never understood why cost $80, but I like this. This is definitely I. Think from my initial impressions, I do recommend this.

This seems to be a much. You know it's exactly what you need, if you're not trying to spend way too much on and already very expensive device and the magnet is very strong. It does not just come off, so you really have to get it going before. It comes off, and the quality is very decent worst case I'm telling you if this wears out in a couple of months, you buy another one for $20, and it provides the same level of protection as this one would, you know, drops really this one doesn't have any protection either, but it's its just more of a scratch proof and kind of daily use case, which I think this does a perfectly good job at for a quarter of the price. So that's it for this video guys.

Let me know if you have any questions about this case or the Apple one down in the comments below and as I said, I have the links to both of these down in the description. If you want to check them out for yourselves, thank you so much for watching guys, I'll catch you in the next one.

Source : Auto Technica

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