Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 - SCARY Battery life! By Techtonic

By Techtonic
Aug 14, 2021
Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 - SCARY Battery life!

Hi guys this is Roger Rahman from tectonic and today what I want to talk about? Well, basically, what I want to do is give you an update on the battery life with the Xiaomi me mix three. So when it comes to battery life, I've never really had an issue, but this is the first time I've actually faced the battery anxiety. I, don't know if you can see it here, I've literally just got back home from work, it's believed. So it's for it's about.455 and I've got 6% of battery life left. So basically, you know when I normally take my phone off the charger 645. That's when I leave my house by the time I got to work.

Some piece I've got to work about 7:30 and what I noticed my battery had already dropped by 20% within that time, and what I normally do around that time is. You know I tend to use 45 sorts of streaming music during my tube journey, I'm also sort of browsing the news on this Google newsstand application, so I'm really doing a lot, and it doesn't take me a long time to get to work. You know it's about 30 minutes on the train from you know, Paddington to Canary Wharf. So, basically, that's fine. You know I hit 20% my fault, you know, for the sake of this test, I'm not going to charge the phone because I've got wireless charge at work, so I can just place that on there no charge it, but I thought didn't want.

Let me try and see what happens here so about midway through my lunch break. So this was about let's say: 12:40 12:45 p. m. no. My battery's already dropped even further.

So wait. What was the time exactly yep? It was exactly 12 43 and the battery percentage had dropped to 43 percent. Now that's significant for me, and it's a bit worrying in this case, and he can, it's really showing me that sign that the berry is low, and it's at 5%, so yeah hit 43 percent. You know midway through my lunch and then again by the time. I finished work, so I finished work ten past four, and at that time the phone had reached 17%, so I'm really getting worried here you know, will I be able to get home with my phone turned on it's a bit awkward, you know not having your headphones in on the tube and not having your phone to look at so yeah.

You know what I want to train it's about 4:30, I'm, sort of midway through my journey back home, it's Paddington and my battery is at 10%, and you know at that point I'm actually worried that if the phone turns off I'll have to well I have to just look at that head foot so on the tube, because that's what you normally do right! You want to try and avoid that accidental eye contact, so I was worried. Okay, do you know what I might make accidental eye contact with someone, and then I might actually have a conversation with a completely stranger which obviously we don't want to do so. Yeah, um I did manage to make it home, but, like you saw I've literally got into my house and I started this video, and I'm at 5% at 456th. That's after taking the phone off the charger at 6:45 a. m.

this morning. You know I, don't really do well in this case today, I've not really done much with the phone it's a working day. You know, so you're, not really everyone's at work, no-one's, sending messages. So if we go into the battery you can see if I go into battery usage like for use, you can see. Look I've not really used many apps here, so you have used WhatsApp beer, I've used chrome a bit, that's during lunch, a little of YouTube, but that's not a lot, and then you see nest here.

That's just for notifications of things like that, of course, you're going to use two in Gmail. But again you can see in terms of percentage. It's negligible mean it's less than 1% the usage for those apps, but if we go into the more heavily used, apps which is free is saying Google, News, 3.8 percent, but I would say I've. Probably used that by about 40 minutes in tool, so probably 20 minutes on the tube on the way there and then 20 minutes on the way back and then, of course, I use, Spotify and delivery and delivery. All you're going to use that once I use that you know for lunch just to order some food but yeah.

It's terrifying that the phone's about to die, and it's not even 5:00 p. m. yet. You can see here, I managed to reach what is that two hours and 41 minutes screen on time now? I, don't know that just doesn't sound too good to me. You know, I know when I bought this phone I would have to make some compromises, and that's one of the compromise is that you've got this slide-out screen and because of that, because of that moving pie, it doesn't have any IP rating.

So it's not waterproof for okay to know what that's compromise then never compromise was okayed. You know what is having that mechanism in the phone, so it makes it a bit thicker right. So, looking at this phone new me, you think it's got a huge battery, but it hasn't, but again I thought. Maybe you know from what I've seen in other videos. Apparently the software's been really optimized, so the battery should last you through the whole day.

That's clearly not the case here. The battery didn't last me through the whole day, I've got four percent left now. You know that is actually worrying. If you know I'm willing to compromise quite a few things for aesthetics, or you know, from the appearance of the phone, so you can see it looks beautiful, there's, no denying that this screen is amazing. There's no notch, but how much are you supposed to compromise for that? For me not sure if I'm willing to compromise on battery life? For you know this much less borderless or so a bezel less feature, I, don't know.

What do you guys think is that something you're willing to compromise that you will, it's compromise on the battery, for something that looks really great? Let me know in the comments below this has been AJU Rahman from tectonic, thanks for watching. If you enjoyed this video, and it helped you please subscribe and like that, would really help me out and don't forget to check out these other videos too. You.

Source : Techtonic

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