Xbox Gaming on Galaxy Fold 2 - Xbox Game Pass - xCloud By Mark's Tech

By Mark's Tech
Aug 13, 2021
Xbox Gaming on Galaxy Fold 2 - Xbox Game Pass - xCloud

Hey guys what is going on, so you clicked on this video. You already know what it's going to be. We are going to be playing Xbox games on the galaxy full 2, which, in my strong opinion, is the best kind of mobile gaming experience. You could possibly get because when the phone is closed, it's a phone, it's just a basic phone. You got your cameras, selfie camera basic phone, you open it up. Furthermore, you get a tablet.

Basically, now the difference between this and the surface, duo that you guys might have seen roaming around the internet uh. This is actually one big screen. The Surface Duo is basically two screens, so you know call it a foldable all you want. I don't really consider it a true folding phone. This is a true folding phone.

This right here, you open it up big old screen and last week, Xbox finally announced uh, cloud or whatever they're going to call it doesn't even know what it's going to be called. All I know is that um to download it all you need to do is go into your uh. Google Play Store and look for a game pass. Beta, so it is still in beta I'll show you guys what it looks like right now. So that is what you are going to be looking for when you go to your Google Play Store and obviously, if you guys are not familiar to pair your Xbox game controller to uh, really any android, smartphone or any smartphone period, you just have to go into your Bluetooth settings on your smartphone.

You turn on. You turn the controller on. Then you click and hold on the pair button, and then it'll pop up. So once you paired your Xbox controller to your uh phone of choice. In this case it is the galaxy full 2 or as they call it.

The z-fold 2, which I think is a big mistake in the naming scheme, but whatever I'm not here to judge all you got to do is just open up. Xbox game pass beta and then here you are going to see all the games you can play on cloud on console and on PC. So, just from this section alone, as you guys can see, we can play ORI we can play, or these are the games that I have actually been playing uh. You can play halo. Five four is a Resident Evil.

Uh f1 2019, grounded uh fallout for crying out loud. You can play the whole entire fallout experience on mobile. This is nuts you got more to combat, or you got Witcher so for this example: let's go ahead and just uh hop into forza. So once you do uh all you have to do is just really click play, and then it will uh start everything up. So obviously your uh graphics are going to depend on uh your internet.

So once you first start up the game, the graphics are not going to be that good, as you guys can tell right now and obviously uh. The controller is already mapped to the game, so you don't have to mess around with what each button does uh. You know the game pass already knows everything, as you guys just saw so yeah. Is this going to replace your gaming console and my strong opinion wow. That was bad in my strong opinion: uh! No, it's not! This is kind of just meant for kind of your weekend play man I really suck so yeah like.

I said this service isn't going to replace your console or your PC. This is kind of like if you're, if you are on a road trip somewhere or maybe uh, you know on a family vacation you're at the hotel. You want to play some video games, but you don't want to carry around a console with you. All you got to do is just carry around a controller and um. That's it just make sure that the place you're going to has a pretty good internet, and you'll be pretty much set to play any game.

You want, basically that's on game pass on a nice big screen like this. As far as latency goes again, this all depends on your internet speed uh during the nighttime, where everyone's kind of asleep I have better latency. But during the day like right now, I could tell that there is slight latency but um again, you're not going to be playing competitive. So it's not something you have to really worry about. So these are all the games that you can play straight away on uh on Xbox game pass on mobile or Xcode.

Whatever you want to call it uh. There are, you know, a ton of games. You can play not just like normal indie games, I'm talking about like full on triple a title as well. You know you can play gears of five Gears of War ultimate edition, forza fallout, 76 farming simulators. If you're into that Gears of War.

Four there's a goat simulator never played that uh halo wars, 2, hell blade, halo. You got sea of thieves, obviously Resident Evil, 7 sniper elite, 4 state of decay, 2 the Elder Scrolls online. I mean there are a ton of games that you can just jump into and play straight away. So yeah like I said this is not going to replace your PC or your gaming console. This is just for fun.

Uh you're not gonna, be playing competitive like this, but if you're playing like something like a story, mode game or something like that, this is perfect for it, especially if you're bored stuck in a hotel, and it's raining outside, and you can't do anything like living in Florida sucks. So bad. You know especially game pass. Ultimate now covers ea play as well. So you get game pass ultimate.

You got ea play, you got cloud um and especially, if you get the new consoles, you uh. I think you can rent the console out for two years for the Xbox Series S, you pay 25 bucks a month, and you get all of this included for free. I mean you're paying for it, but you get the console and everything included for 25 bucks a month dude. That is an insane deal. So if you are picking up the next gen Xbox just understand, if you get the series s, and you want the entire package, including two years of Xbox, live and the ability to play on mobile, it's only going to cost.

You 25 bucks. Now, if you want the series x, which is a little more powerful, actually a lot more powerful, then you are going to begin the same exact package uh for 35 bucks a month, or you can just pay straight out. If you do not play anything on game pass, or you don't care about playing a mobile, but this is pretty cool. Not going to lie so yeah. I hope you guys enjoyed if you have any questions.

Leave them down below. This was mark from marketed adios.

Source : Mark's Tech

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