Top 11 Galaxy J6 Plus OneUI Update Hidden Features By Techify Club

By Techify Club
Aug 21, 2021
Top 11 Galaxy J6 Plus OneUI Update Hidden Features

Hey guys forgot the smokey codes. Today we are going to review the top 10 most features: release of the Samsung Galaxy j6 + by update. So before we begin, I would like to ask you to select a channel and also to like this video, if you find this helpful. So let's get this started number one video wallpapers so go to gallery scroll down a little and select videos and select a 15-second video that you, like, so I, think the 15-second video will be looped again and again on the lock screen. So I want that 3 box on top check that point and select click and set as wallpaper and yeah. This will up yeah, and you can just see a small dam off there and click on no tap on that satin for paper right below there.

So just me, just let me show you what it is like for us. We didn't want people to be there, so you can see it right now. It's moving, but not so clear, yeah number, 2, dot mode, so drag down the notification bar and a little right over there, that's a night mode. So it's the dark mood also. So let's have a look at it.

So let me go to the phone app so that some of my contacts over there and that's my Tyler, so it's old, dark right now. So that's the messages. So these are my messages. It's all dark. So it's a gallery, so it has also turned off too.

So that's the camera. Oh, I think that camera is always talk and so yeah. It is only there's a major problem in that it's only limited to the apps that Samsung releases so, for example, in Google Chrome. They can't get a dark mood over there, but I think Google has released a dark mood theme for the chrome, so you may have to check that out now about three navigation guys. Just so let me disable that night more right now so right next to that, it's the navigation bar.

So you can any blue navigation bar over there. So we'll show you yeah. We got some guests just in handy right now on this update. So that's the full screen issues. So it's really a function from the Oreo, but no this advanced and was not that much good.

So that's what can do number four battery, optimization city so right now we'll just look at that. So it's go-to device care and then to the bottom and select battery then that three dots at the top right and then Father mode. So yeah you can optimize things over there and yeah I'm just going to click on the optimized settings right on the bottom, or you can just disable apps to save our battery power. So just let me live on that number five recycle bin in gallery. Yes, you heard it right.

So we have been a little function, go over there and then yeah. It's activated so just delete a fire. So it's dated! So let me go to the recycle bin yeah here it is, so you can recover it from over there. So it's exclusive to PI, only number six motto: radiation next go to an app that has a function that you can now rotate it landscapes, so I have just done it! So it's just like you just want it to be landscape. Okay, so you can see the button that you are over there.

So that's a smart orientation. So this let me turn that back on. So what I'm going to do is I'll just rotate it like this and yes that button just came over there. Yeah, now just fell away. Okay, yeah! That's smart orientation and number seven adjustable camera button so drag that out of there and yeah you can take a photo.

That's all embrace smart pop-up you! So let me open YouTube over here, so let me hold that out, and we can choose to open a spoke of you, so you can see boom yeah. This will happen. So you go down. Do something some other jobs to do. You can keep it by the side and do it, so this will come in handy as this is very good and yeah.

But I did a very good thing at this. Okay, so many of you don't know to open the multitasking window. So this is how you do it. You and number nine low-light builder, hey scroll down and go to the blue light filter over that on that notes. So what this basically does is that it will protect your eyes at night, so the only blue light in your screen will be filtered out yeah.

So you won't lose your sleep now about 10:00, where we have the emotional distance, so good settings, and then you may see advanced features. So it's on the top. Let me go and if their yeah and then go to motion and gives yours, and then we can find some very cool features, so take out a bunch of features over there. This includes mortality, sea mutant, direct call with the 100 mode and swipe to in calls and extra. So we have the finger screams finger since registers.

So in my last video you may have seen that, so it's a motion, gestures so yeah that posts a video for a little for easy understanding, so yeah and the one had it more. Oh, yeah I can show you the one-headed moon yeah. Sometimes it is tricky. So this is how it works. So you can use your phone in one hand, if you have you had the hand with food or other yeah bit tea or something so to exit from this.

You have to tap the other area, which is not your area of interest and yeah at last, but not the least. We have the number 11 as the adjustable flashlight, so this will come in handy. So have a look so from here you have the notification bar turn on the torch, so yeah there's my mouse over here, so I can decrease the intensity of my light, so that will help me to consume my power less and hence increasing my battery capacity so yeah. This works. It's very good here.

So I would like to ask you to subscribe to my channel and also to share this video and like this. If you really found this helpful so on sharing this I think some or some of the phone that when you evolve survey's, these features are also included, so yeah yeah, it's included. So please share this video. Also. Thank you.


Source : Techify Club

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