The Pixel 4 Ultrawide Upgrade Camera Review! By Krystal Lora

By Krystal Lora
Aug 14, 2021
The Pixel 4 Ultrawide Upgrade Camera Review!

Hey guys its Krystal and I got the new Pixel 4 XL with me here today got a camera comparison with the iPhone 11 Pro coming very soon, so make sure you subscribe and turn notifications on. So you know miss that, but first I wanted to try and fix a complaint that a lot of people have with the pixel 4 and for Excel, because there's no ultra-right camera on these phones, so I thought it'd be cool to try some new moment stuff on here and see what that looks like, and this isn't sponsored or anything I just really wanted to try it out. So let's go see what we can capture. So, if you're not familiar with moment, they make all kinds of lenses for your phones, ranging from fish eye to telephoto, even an metamorphic lens, and the cool thing is that they're universal across all phones. All you got to do is get the case that matches your phone, but today we're gonna focus on the 18 millimeter wide lens that'll be equivalent to an ultra-wide camera on here and some super fish I -. So I just took this shot here of this beautiful scenery got the lake the trees, a bright blue sky, some rocks in there with the regular wide lens on the pixel 4xl, but I'm gonna twist on the 8 millimeter wide moment lens make sure you twist it on perfect.

So we're not getting those edges there we go, and now we got the nice ultra-wide shot. Getting a lot more in this shot, a lot more of the rock, so you even have some like Sun flare and going on I'm, not really seeing any like warping from the camera view here so now, I'm taking a look at all the photos that I shot. So let's look at the same example at the lake without the moment lens and the pretty decent shot. It is pretty wide as it is. You can get a lot in there, but moving back to one with the moment lens, you just get a lot more, and this is the most extreme example like it doesn't make a huge difference in this particular shot.

But you definitely see a lot more of the rocks. You get a little of like Sun flaring at the bottom. Here's another example wide and with the moment lens and I just love. What the moment lens is adding to this shot. You're, seeing a little of the tree a lot more of the brick structure, it just makes it look even cooler than it is without I.

Also love that we're not getting anything yet, so you're, not seeing any of that darkness and the edges from the lens. So it's a spotless, looking shot and if you want something even more extreme here's what the super fish eye looks like. So when it comes to portrait mode on the pixel, for it's a little confusing because last year we only got one camera on the back, so we got a wide-angle portrait now this year since there's a telephoto lens on here. It uses that for depth information, but it still uses a wide angle to digitally zoom in 1.5 times, which is a little weird. What makes that weird is that, since we are using the wide-angle, we should technically be able to also get a wide-angle portrait.

That's not zoomed in so, if you are picking up the moment lens, and you want to take a wide-angle portrait, you're still going to put it on the wide-angle lens, not the telephoto, so I got a couple of regular portrait shots and some wide-angle portrait with the moment lens, and I'm. Taking a look at this non-wide portrait shot. Looking pretty good is backlit, it's doing a pretty good job with exposure. It is struggling a bit with my hair, my hair. It does tend to cause struggle with portrait mode on phones, but I mean it looks like a decent shot and here's the wide shot which honestly I just like the way that looks a lot better in this particular situation.

At least I just feel like it adds more to the shot. Obviously, you can physically move back to get more in the shot, but with the 18 millimeter focal length, you still get a different look to it, and it just makes me wish that Google included the option of doing the wide-angle portrait. So this is using the wide-angle anyway, but maybe down the road for the software update. Here's another portrait and wide portrait example taking a look at the non-wide first and again, looking pretty good one thing: I did notice, a blur is a little aggressive, so you can go in and edit and turn down that book a little just to make it more subtle and overall, it makes it look a little better and more realistic. But let's take a look at the wide version and yeah I just like what it adds to the shot.

It just makes it more interesting shot again, both look pretty good, but it also makes those as mistakes a little less apparent since you're, further back and yeah I. Just like the way it looks. So if you have a pixel, 4, or you're thinking, picking one up I definitely think is worth pairing with a moment lens to help you get the most out of the pixel for camera, and also I'm really excited to see how the moment lens looks with night sights so stay tuned, because I will be showing some of those shots in my full comparison. But that's it for now. Thank you.

So much for watching, don't forget to subscribe, and I'll see you later.

Source : Krystal Lora

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