TCL A1 water test By all about phones

By all about phones
Aug 16, 2021
TCL A1 water test

Hi, everyone I'll be doing a water test on this TCL a1, I'm going to splash, some water, and I'm gonna, put in the water for two minutes and see if it's going to survive the water test. So, let's start by splashing water, and then we'll see if it's gonna still work. Okay, I guess there's still water, I'm going to wipe it right now and see if we can, if it's going to work. Okay, I just wipe down screen and, let's see yeah, it still works. Fine, just some water in the back. Okay, let's put in the water and see if it's still going to work.

Fine, the camera still works too. Okay, let's put in the water, now see if it's going to survive this water test, it's going to be in the water for two minutes: okay, let's dip it down. Let's start oops waters is going in like crazy inside of headphone jack. As you can see right here, it's going pretty good, and what is this headphone jack yeah yeah? The water is going on, but the phone's still working as you can see, it's still working fine, there are 30 seconds. Still it's going to survive some color like a rain test or what, like a light water test, we'll see right now.

If it's going to survive two minutes inside the water, I don't see any more water getting in probably filled up completely so 56 seconds so far I don't see anything going inside, so it's still good completely good. I'm going to see if it's going to survive completely 40 more seconds, there's no more stuff getting in okay, just power came up. Okay just died, maybe just the screen turned off 15 more seconds. Let's start, glitching now looks like okay just restart itself. Okay, two minutes boom.

Stop here. Let's see if it survived. Oh, you can see the water spot see how much water got inside it. Let's turn it upside down. You can see how much water is getting out from the headphone jack a lot just restarting non-stop.

Now it's got some like weird spots like water spots, yeah they didn't survive. So thanks for watching, if you like this video, please subscribe for more videos and bye.

Source : all about phones

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