সফটওয়্যার আপডেট কেন খুব জরুরী ? না করলে কি কি ক্ষতি হবে? Why We Have To Update Software Regularly ? By Bengali Techsquad

By Bengali Techsquad
Aug 21, 2021
সফটওয়্যার আপডেট কেন খুব জরুরী ? না করলে কি কি ক্ষতি হবে? Why We Have To Update Software Regularly ?

Welcome here as community Nebraska by Asha Geisha by Paula Watson, though, as Great Britain, normally I'm a pleasure there, Altoona Core J a mother native software, but below ? eagle, o Canada Dr. update glue today up in Akron secret trap Na Kali C?te d'Ivoire, a children, sugar, ? concept back to short version of discovery, Mona Korean actor, para removed that nobody's here. Okay, so para, almost due to body, is here: paras ha Sasha, Mani buddy, a top-notch Akash, so Abner by the match can already see even Abner. A ship I should go to Bar gulag blow buddy. You know the porch together. Blueberry did a wrong color ? no prob unit on the changes are not so shake at AP NIC given up new table the app, not the Morita.

She liked to wrong Iota, not unique to look detail: Osage Ivan, Eric, Tamara, no chair, Thorn, Abner body. Do you know who diatonic Eurasian body there in a program ever equal to the very core essence, so a VAR q, hi Judy Cuba? So my after Jay Beyer accounting connector coded on the stock woody debris, : connector, cookies, around Site, no struggle Oh bah, they elope Swap, given after a coup, d'eat particular 1180 hi subtracted by application wine to subtract their update, correct there are software provide career, Derek Coral, don't diminish my banana Newton changes and Aka Mahabharata drunk oration Bob unit changes innocent those sub pyramid, though people are going to change. Our high business to be done, I have even known features at Quora hi to shake at reactor when I update their hive. Erick tablet the high during madam of the system of our target, my security patch below the glow update Khorana to shake Lorna tune. Software updated Marvin security particular bit Cora hide that they Abner phony UNAKAM virus affected.

Now high bar virus infected now hijack ever bully. Normally application below can operate, Cora hi, so application. We don't normally update Karachi application and what the given the new features at Cora do know. So don't uproar a person, one collection after connector software by application of arson, want election, so Jock in person to have a token they've been key. ? no ?, he said no.

He said second update, hi shadow, Che application, gulf application, glow crash wage, a big win, manage application, application, open, cordovan doc on day when app cannot open ? la camera notification. Acid I managed a political act ago, concurrence at the earth or bondage a bond or a notification Cachet. So he has taken oh hi. It was a joke. Unto new software updater app, not funny, though she stopped Alicia day, AJ application, Sheila Parnell at the burner, so shake our own, a Wii software.

We application they open at the burner, so app developer rocky career. We a pyramid, am-1 key to coding, called a jarful at new tune, disruptor tablet or SSC software is shattered data. We application t monitor, break a bomb. A caste are not tic TAC of the body, so you know Newton application, update I by application glue to the crafts wage I, but FB judaculla Newton features at core I shake a trap, not the regular cheetah after time ever bully the software did the acne tick-tock time, motor, update, Nicole and shakers Ricky away. Those who do softer bunny a bit quorum on a half, not fooling ornament feature a Donna shaken a security page cult amplify those ace of security, particular lag aye, a playfulness security.

Don't know, though, normally be winners for might be another honey, no ?, no ? virus, a virus infected both DJ, so software company, rocky Karl, a software developer rocky correct, even if so might give another on it, update the edge of security label, Guilt buried I, also I'm, not the owner. This security should have asked us yesterday. Hi contraction, coordinate this of software cooler ratio softly under condition is a cake around it. A software kitchen equation a pathology Twitter to vapor to a security up. Another finished Abu Zubaydah psychotherapy Regina do the app, not cool rock.

On corporations ago she commented Donovan I'm a brother. Just ago warning via they should recover para. Thank you so much to be desired.

Source : Bengali Techsquad

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