Samsung Galaxy S9 Vs Google Pixel 2 Speed Test !!! By King's Tech

By King's Tech
Aug 14, 2021
Samsung Galaxy S9 Vs Google Pixel 2 Speed Test !!!

Anyways guys, the time to do speed, ask a person between Google Pixel to versus galaxy s 9, as you can see, I have a black color compared to blue here, and let me ask you side-by-side conversion, so, as you can see here and s 9, we have power key compared to power key. Oh, they're also volume rockers on pixels 2 on the bottom. We only have type C on both. Yes, we have a gives your speaker headphone jack here, but nothing on Excel to except with microphone this side. We have SIM tray only, and we have volume rockers and the victory bun and s 9. On top, we have micro, SD card, also SIM tray and s 9, and they both have a microphone here.

So also guys the camera wise, as you can see, they both are 12 megapixel camera. Each one has a single camera in the phone and, as you can see, they both look great camera swinging scanner on both also flash, except for the heart monitor. We don't have and pickle too, but other than that guys. Everything has the same specs wise as well. No headphone jack for Google picks of 2 because they have a serious speaker and if you want to use it, they do include adapter for the headphone jack.

So you can try similar to the Apple here but anyway, let me just boot this up one two: three so guys we have 5 inches versus 5.8 inch display and if they both are one conversion outcomes, never again 835 and pixel to compare to 8:45 and s9. So, as you can see, pixel 2 is faster compared to s 9 and sorry about the lighting. So, as you can see guys the boats running and overview compared to pixel two running Android 8.1 dot 0. So that's the latest update from Google compared to s 9 this running only an Oreo, so we're gonna check out guys speed wise how it works also they both are 64 gigabytes and they both have an equal ram, which is the 4 gigs of ram here, and you are the judge guys on the speeches for personal images, open the application ball. Speed also going to run the keeping score and handle the video.

So let's go start. The phone dialer app Excel ? is faster and the Play Store also pixel ? message: application, fixer ? setting application click. So to again, so, as you can see, you guys speed wise, it's kind of similar, but if except ? is faster, this time, Snapchat pixel to Facebook, as you can see guys this time, it's s9 is fast. LIBOR, pixel ? is fast, what's up, I think the same time and at last Instagram I think the same time, but the pixel ? is kind of load up faster here. So next I'm going to open some games here, Super Mario run as you can see, s9 is got load faster.

So yes, s9 is fast here. So next is subway surfer. Also, you're going to see you guys ? display quality they both or AMOLED screen compared to Super AMOLED in s9. So let me just play a little. You can get the idea about the display.

So, as you can see, they both are good display, not bad at all. So next I'm going to open smash hit, as you can see, guys. S9 is kind of one second faster compared to pick so -. So next I'm going to open sample on ? also guys we're gonna, see color difference between the displays in this game. So, as you can see, s9 is quite a faster here compared to Google, pixel ? and, let's go see the guys color difference over there.

On top also on the side, you're going to see the floor as well. So, as you can see, kind of reddish compared to Anna gray here also the mountains just kind of red here compared to like red. So next I'm going to open asphalt 8, as you can see guys, s9 is faster compared to Excel to is kind of little slower, not that much so at last, I'm going to open just one browser which is the Samsung website compared to Google website and Chrome, so I think the same time guys they load everything I load up on a website so guys time to do a multitasking I know they do handle pretty good multitasking. This both phone have 4 gigs of RAM, so I'm going to check it out random opening the application here, so I'm going to open randomly still guys to everything. In the background, nothing refresh.

So far, so, as you can see guys, they handle pretty good multitasking. Everything was, in the background, still running the games. Also, the app refresh at all. So, as you can see yes, asphalt, 8 was in the background as well and s9 so guys time to run a big base cool now, so they both are optical processor. As you can see it, they, each parkour bastard clocked a different speed and, as I told you guys, they both 29 were real, but this pixel sues has kindly big head of s nines because, as you received the update for it and everybody hates that 1.0, so let's just run it so yeah guys I'm going to catch you in a few seconds soon, as they're done so as you can see, they both are done and yes picked. They have between the numbers compared to Qualcomm, sanguine 8:45 to 8:35, also their own same OS here.

But, as you can see the numbers, it's different, clearly win by s9 and also got a similar RAM as well as you can see it, but still kind of loose with the s9, because this kind of 2017-2018, where you know it so obviously kind of faster. So guys. Let me know what are you thinking about this peters' conversion from s9 vs do good picture to, and I show you guys everything also they both great phone 2017-2018, but they both winning and Oreo. Also guys kind of first were here, but anyway, let me know guys what you're thinking about the speeders' comparison. They both are great phone, guys, speed, wise, yes, the Google Pixel to did keep it like some application did open faster than s9, so leave your thoughts and combo, and I'm going to catch you next, video peace out.

Source : King's Tech

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