Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra (Snapdragon 888) vs S21 Ultra (Exynos 2100) By SpeedTest G

By SpeedTest G
Aug 13, 2021
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra (Snapdragon 888) vs S21 Ultra (Exynos 2100)

And, so here we are, Samsung have launched the galaxy s21 and, as with previous years, some devices come with the snapdragon. Some devices come with the Enos. Today we're going to be testing the Samsung Galaxy s, 21 ultra with the snapdragon 888 against the Samsung Galaxy s, 21 ultra with the Enos 2100. Will this be the year that the Enos processor can beat the Qualcomm snapdragon? Well, let's find out. So we have the Samsung Galaxy s21 alt, with the snapdragon 888 on the left hand, side, and we have the s21 ultra with the Enos 2100. On the right hand, side neither of them are connected to any Wi-Fi or cellular networks, and already we can see a slight lead, I think by the 2100.

Yes, it's the first into the compression test. Could this be the year the Enos is able to beat the snapdragon, let's find out as we carry on now. Of course, it will come down to the GPU test, arena versus Mali, and we're already into the 16th straight set and the leads still be maintained by the Eros 2100. It's going to be the first to get to the end. Definitely there! Yes, of course, the CPU is pretty similar in both these devices.

Of course, the clock speeds are slightly higher in the excess 2100, and that is showing so far as it is the first into the infrared scrolling list in a minute we're going to get to the smoke particle test. Really our first indication of the uh 2d graphic speed. There we go 13 was the exercise 2100. Was it 35, 34 26. ? Oh there's, a big difference.

As now. The 780 days taken lead, it's the first into the UT test, and they started off neck and neck, but clearly, yes, clearly, the snapdragon 888 is doing better on the left-hand side. There it's coming down to the water. Already it's going to swing right and go to the end of the valley. There we go, and now it will go into the unreal test, as only now is the excess 2100 swinging right and going to the end of the valley, as the snapdragon 888 is now coming to the end of the unreal test.

What the final time b here we go. One minute, 19 seconds on the right hand, side the exodus 2100 continuing through the sparkling forest. It will get to the end any moment now what the final time b, let's see, 127.2, let's break down the scores and see exactly what happened. So, as you saw, there are a convincing wins for the s21, with the snapdragon 888 one minute, 19 seconds, and then 8.2 seconds later came in the s21 with the Enos 2100. But what actually happened? If you look at the CPU, we can actually see that the Excel 2100 won 33.4 seconds and 1.3 seconds later came in the snapdragon 88 with 34.7, and that is surely due to the higher clock speed of the XML 2100, even though they are basically using the same CPU setup. However, things change.

When we get into the mixed CPU GPU, we saw that higher frame rate in the smoke particle test so 20.1 seconds for the Eros only seconds for the snapdragon 888 a difference of two seconds and then when we get into the GPU test, both unreal and unity, we can see quite a difference here, 7.5 seconds difference, 33.6 for the Enos 26.1 for the snapdragon. So overall the snapdragon wins with a time of one minute, 19 seconds: okay, that's it! My name is Gary sims. This is speediest. I really hope you enjoyed this video. If you did, please do give it a thumbs up if you like this kind of videos, why not stick around by subscribing to the channel? Okay? That's it I'll see you in the next one.

Source : SpeedTest G

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