This will be a speed test between the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 versus the Sony Xperia xe2 premium that both phones have the snapdragon 845. Both phones are on Android or EO. The note 9 having 8 gigs of ram XE 2 premium has 6. Let me know in the comments below which one you think will win this test. This should be one hell of a matchup, so I'm going to go ahead, turn on both at the same time, see which one has the faster boot up. Let's go and give the Buddha point to the Samsung Galaxy Note nine, and we are in there's nothing in the background on both.
So let's get started by tapping the phone app XE to messages XE to again camera. You guys are the judges clock on both phones. Call that one a draw start the stopwatch and leave that running in the background: Samsung, internet and chrome. Let's go to Amazon and looking at the progress bar XE to P finish first scroll through this nice and fast on both. So you can see, go to the full site and miss touch on the note.
You guys get the idea, pinch-to-zoom, nice and butter on the XE to on the note there you go leave that, in the background, calculator very close, the Play Store give that to the X e to P click on this one and leave it on that page. eBay give that to Renault 9 click on this laptop and leave it on a page PlayStation app and give the PlayStation app to the Sony boy, baseball, at-bat, very close, Super Mario run and give this to the note 9 tap to begin no 9 faster running the game also and leave it in the background. Subway surf subway service, New, York no.9 out in front tap to play close this out that will run to Temple, Run, 2, frozen shadows and I. Think the Sony boy is ahead will confirm that right now and give this to the Sony, not sure what this is tap to play and close. It out asphalts, 9 asphalt, 9 legends and give this to the new tap the play button and close it out grand theft, auto San Andreas.
Let's go looking at the progress bar both are neck-and-neck and give this to the CCP to CSR racing. Oh so close, maybe yeah not too much of a difference here. Maybe the note nine by a little Instagram very close, maybe the note nine again and snap chat XD 2p. So let's take a look at the multitasking of both phones, everything's. In the background, as you can see, note 9, 8, gigs of ram Sony boy, 6 gigs.
Let's see what happens: Instagram good, to go CSR racing to pause and ready to resume on beau Grand Theft Auto ready to play this one ready to play on both temple run, pause and ready to resume on both subway surf pause and ready to resume as well. Super Mario run still in RAM baseball same place. They stationed app same place eBay so on that laptop a little of a stutter on the note, 9 doe Play Store same place: calculator shout-out to the 1 plus 6, the browser's, still on Amazon on both very nice, the clock on both phones and still running ? stopwatch camera. Maybe the note 9 on that. One messages give that to the X C 2 P and the phone app no nice so hit me up in the comments, and let me know what you thought about this test.
Are you a Sony boy rocking this XD ? premium, the XD ? that came out earlier this year and generally very fast performance and fast updates on this phone, or are your Samsung night rocking? This fully expect out galaxy no 9 with 512 gigs of storage, 8 gigs of RAM this phone having a sexy, build and no not with the remote s-pen. Now let me know in the comments down below thanks for watching peace out.
Source : Tech Timmers