Samsung Galaxy M51 Gaming Test - REAL RACING 3 By Tech Inspected Extras

By Tech Inspected Extras
Aug 14, 2021
Samsung Galaxy M51 Gaming Test - REAL RACING 3

All right guys we're back, and we are playing real racing three, and you can see the frame rate is up on the left corner there, upper left corner. So let's go ahead and race uh generally. This game runs very smoothly, we'll see what happens when we have all the other cars in the track. Here it's dark, I'm seeing 57 fps, maybe generally 60, though get out of the way third place. Let's see we're getting achievements, and it doesn't lag well getting achievements. No Garcia come back.

Come back! Oh, crap! I messed that up. Yo Garcia, bye, see a GPU is at 86 temperatures, 35 degrees whoa, I cut the lane. Fps is generally over 55 fps there, basically 60 most of the time, so that's about it. Let's go and uh check our frame rate graph in the uh Perez game, booster, no per game booster, just a game booster come on open up, so oops nope, nope real racing, three, here's our fps graph uh generally. We are very much 60 with some dips.

I did play a couple of races: uh, it's not focusing right now. Unfortunately, I did see play a couple of races. You can see that the frame rate graph is very much generally stuck on the line of 60 fps, but there are some dips uh. Sometimes that is in loading, so sometimes the loading dips, the fps, but generally during racing, as you can see it's very flat, so very nice for real racing. Three.

Source : Tech Inspected Extras

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