Samsung Galaxy A6 2018 Vs Galaxy A9 2018 Speed Test By Tech1Tv

By Tech1Tv
Aug 21, 2021
Samsung Galaxy A6 2018 Vs Galaxy A9 2018 Speed Test

What's up guys, this is another spit test for the galaxy in I 2018 versus the Galaxy S6 2018 we're going to do some gaming loading, Spitzer's, I'm, gonna, load a couple of games and then at the end, I'm going to do the multitasking to see who's the best. So let's go with mapped RGB -. Here we go. Okay. The galaxy and I finished first, followed by the Galaxy S6 next game. I'm going to try is pop G mobile.

Here we go if you guys, like some song. If you have a Samsung phone, let me know which Samsung phone did you have? Do you have a galaxy in a 20-18 galaxy a8, 2018 galaxy, just six 2018 galaxy, s6, 2018 galaxy s, nah Galaxy S8! Not now not a drop me. A comment to let me know which Samsung phone do you have right now or if you guys like ?, which iPhone do you have or if you got the OnePlus X T or the OnePlus X drop me a comment to let me know, but for this test, Galaxy NI, 2018 one! You can see it's there, loading on the galaxy, s6 2018 next game, I'm gonna! Try is tamper, white, oh here we go, and it seems like the galaxy and I can die when this turns again yep. The galaxy has not won this chest, and now it's about to be done on the Galaxy S6 2018, okay. So this test goes to the galaxy in 92018, the next game, I'm gonna.

Try is Super, Mario run like so, and the galaxy in 92018 1 distress followed by the Galaxy S6 2018, so the next game, I'm gonna, try will be candy, crush saga like so and, as you can see, the galaxy is not one distress, it's their loading, and now it's done on the Galaxy S6 2018. So let's go back. The next game will be Candy Crush soda like so, and the galaxy a 92018 one and now the Galaxy S6 2018 is done. The next game, I'm gonna. Try is candy cross charlie, like so, and you can see the galaxy and now is done, and it's still loading on the Galaxy S6 and now the Galaxy S6 is done so now, let's reload the game up and down.

Let's do the multitasking to see how are they handling ups? In the background, so the first game- I'm gonna, try to the load will be worked. RGB ? like so ok, that's nice. The next game will be pop G mobile, like so. Ok, the next game will be thumped, one ?, alright, ok, the next game will be Super, Mario run. Okay, alright and the next game will be Candy Crush saga.

Okay, alright next game will be candy cross solder, Rock, sob, all right and the next game will be candy cross Charlie. Here we go, and both phones don't out of your load. So that's nice yeah! You have a guy's. A gaming split test, galaxy and I 2018 Galaxy S6, 2018 thumbs up subscribe, leave a comment below, and I'm out. Peace.

Source : Tech1Tv

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