Hey fans, whoever we compare, Samsung acing smartphone, something like say a twenty and sons and Lexi gave 40. Let's start. First, we see that dispatching real cameras both have interior camera. A 20 has study map itself does find that said by neighborhood he has 16 I pick 6, plus 5, megapixel and next front camera.8 Hobin has 8 my pictures front camera and a 40 has to define a pixel front camera next talk about the screen. A 20 has 6 point 4 inches as the Super AMOLED display and a foot. He has five point: nine eight -: let's do class Super AMOLED display.
If I talk about the RAM and storage, it only has 2 GB RAM, but if woody has 4gb them and talk about the storage here, 20 has to do Judah, storage and other side. We will go to fit to 4, GB storage. Next see the differencing processor and chip said it only has 1 point 6 heads of the coprocessor. The other side agrees that we find privileged approach as a toe for that chip. Saturate will be head, X note 7880 for chipset, but a footing has ax mode 7585 chipsets next I'm going to talk about some other specs for have to end your life, and you PI and what-have-yous an option.
If I talk about the a20 deep you don't know yet, but about a 40, it has Nellie G sub T, 1, G 2 and both having little cells on the back. If I talk about back to you, 20 has 4000 million battery and other side a propensity.100 million head all know that it is fast at recharging. That's over the price 820 expected prices, 15,000, 18, Yogi's and 220 in US dollar and a 40 X 30 trials, 20,000 Indian system 219. We had stolen textiles to watch. My video don't forget to subscribe.
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Source : Phonetech