Samsung Galaxy A10 Gaming Test By EmirTheEvolution

By EmirTheEvolution
Aug 21, 2021
Samsung Galaxy A10 Gaming Test

Hey guys, what's going on immediately here so now, I'm going to show you guys this sounds like ACE tan gaming test. So let's get started. So this is my vc10. So here's the game, some of the game I wish on you, but not all. So, let's try the call of duty. Yes before I start this one.

This one is to give a frame study to get wrong, so you stick and place some heavy game, so the Pacific mo is turn off waiting patiently, for this is full screen already with smoke much village yeah. Here's the sound nicely. This game is very fun to play. So it's not so hot. It's not that so hard to play.

So this one is more than one game, though. So, let's try OD multiplayer him. I studied it's all the velvety space. So let me try this again 3d! It's also little heavy. Give this game also more than one give, is my game so less tired, a Hakeem, so I'm going to tell you cast that if I'm recording this photo I mean give me tests, so I always lost amidst not because I am you know, but because I'm recording so little hard to control yeah.

Is he um so pass describe the main crafts? Here's my D because were loved by me by myself. It's d : Pope this as you can see, very big building and real tall building and the phone is very small, so in Mankato so pass this one is the full version of Minecraft yeah. So that's but not least, I want to show you how many touch on this phone can disappoint. Okay, so I'm pressing my 10 finger, so maximum touch is five yeah. So it's not for me.

Thank you very much and uh for you to subscribe to my channel, see you on the video goodbye and have a nice day.

Source : EmirTheEvolution

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