Salaam ninjas peace be upon you, so here we go the full gaming review with the Samsung s7 2018 edition, we're gonna, test few high-end games, and please make sure to watch this video till the end. In the description, I'm going to have my suggestions, which smartphone to buy for the gaming purposes. This default settings lagging adjusted, pleasantly craggy on default settings now cautiously, but it will lack the saw it. You noticed it noise but sniffing a 7/10 stem-like. It's nothing. A 660 would be to this X and a 7 in gaming.
Just ok, Ark mobile, ninjas I'll show you the settings, epic care maximum resolution for the beginning later on, we going to lower it. Probably it won't handle it. Of course, there we go maximum resolution maximum graphics. This is what do you get? Ninjas, not bad bro, not bad, since that this game is optimized for the Enos seven. Of course this is not smooth ninjas, but remember that this is not a flagship.
This, the mid-range, SOC and I'm surprised, ?, I'm surprised here not better off and epic mode. Max graphics, whoa, she's, going to eat me alive, okay, ninja! So here we go and be a 2k 19, an accent as seven Samsung, a seven here, 2019 edition 18 editions hi, all ? hi hi hi on maximum graphics. So let's go immediately and play some match: let's go there, we go nice, that's it! Oh they're, going just not bad! Oh no, too! High maximum graphics runs perfect. Of course, this is not a smooth gameplay, but mine impressed Oh, Ellie late Cassie come on come on, wait, gets annoyed, let's go eat, em up Oh question, guys, remember that you don't have to play to the max and graphics and all the puzzle. Probably most of you won't even play it on the max graphics.
Let's sacrifice the graphics to get a better fps, of course, LeBron James first quarter just over to the plate. Now, here's James here is Fertile and that is really Medina. So it's Washington now right, sidewalk, nice meeting, remember ninjas, like I, said here in the description. You're going to have my suggestions. What are the best gaming devices under $300 and under 250 dollars check it out, check it out? Okay, let me even lower it to the smooth, let's see what's going to happen and I will exit, then I'm going to display it for one minute, then I'm going to exit and go through the GFX tool and enable the full HD resolution.
The native resolution, obviously of the Samsung, a 7 2018 edition and remember that pop G also, maybe is getting optimized, but the graphics are even getting higher and higher than just also rules of survival is doing something like that. Something like that. How I got me there anyway, so exit the game. Here we go you just so 1920 right now, HDR 60fps, realistic, we're going to enable the shadows also. So this is on the maximum right now we're going to try to test it with this Samsung a7 bro.
Let's being run the game, we're gonna, just so I'm and right now in the game itself, so you can see myself HDR extreme classic realistic. So this is it through the G through the GFX tool, and we going to go immediately right now. Let's see here, shadows are also activated. Let me see how it's going to run on the Samsung, a seven at the maximum graphics that you can get okay. Here we go.
We are on the ground- oh my god, or what it is. Somebody we're going to run somewhere, concierges, ninjas, shadows activated and also does the smartphone does overheat with the HDR. If you put the graphics on smooth the smartphone want to overheat ninjas, it will be below 40 degrees and, oh, my god, Xiaomi 8sv runs better man runs 60fps, Pro Xiaomi me 8, SD, witness nothing in 710, even something as 660 can handle it. So no chance you can get 60 FPS, even with the lower graphics. Pro again might be that this game is not optimized at X and 7, and it's a kill for him.
What kind of Rambo style was there, but that was super, super lat. Lucky I was super lucky there that fast kills almost very, very laggy, but the ninja I think is it let's go now and lower the graphics I will have to restart the match. Ok, we are back in just and will show you the settings. Settings and boom stand on their standard. Let's go, so you can see the soft way.
Better. I think I have some kind of bug or something maybe it's. Regarding my VPN, some kind of network connection issues which I didn't have with my previous smartphones, previous game Oh. Have you ever wondered where to buy smartphones from chick, chick, Jing, Jing, Jing, Jing, China bad as the gearbest. com and banggood.
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Source : TechUtopia