Pocophone F1 Android 9.0 Vs Galaxy A8s 2019 Speed Test By Tech1Tv

By Tech1Tv
Aug 22, 2021
Pocophone F1 Android 9.0 Vs Galaxy A8s 2019 Speed Test

What's up guys, this is a spit test book of 1 F 1 vs. galaxy. It has 20 nights in which one is the fastest. Let's find out what folks? Oh, why the message up? Okay, the golly, the up! Oh, why the camera? Okay, the Play Store! Oh! Why now let's go ahead and check out the and then it is up on both devices. Let's go with cuckoo calm there we go! Oh now, let's check out some websites. Let's go to Sony that comment both devices there we go.

That's only that come for you! Oh. Why now, let's go to cnn. com on both phones. There we go cnn. com! Oh, why now, let's go to public comment.

Performs there we go all right now, let's go to cnet. com on both devices cnet. com like so okay, let's go to Walmart calm warmer calm there we go all right, let's go to target. com on both phones, target. com there we go! Why? Let's go to eBay there come and there we go.

Okay, let's go back to Google, calm like so, and we're done so, let's go to settings or why? Let's go to my files on both devices there. We go alright, let's go back now, let's check out social media on both phones, and we'll see who's the fastest Twitter. Okay, let's go to Snapchat there we go alright. Now, let's go to Google Apps, let's check out some Google Apps there we go. Okay, they dreaming up all right.

Next, they play music up. Okay, next, a YouTube up. Now, let's go to trending, subscription and box library all right. So now let's go ahead and check out Coco 12 there we go! That's good! You are for you all right now, let's check out the Google Maps. Okay fortnight, there we go who's, gonna, be the base Paco for f1 or Galaxy S 2019 I have a feeling the Paco phone f1 going to win.

But let's see you never know, as you can see, they both are loading for tonight. I think the polka for Loren should be the Galaxy S, but, like I said before you never know it could be a surprise and the Galaxy S plane. Let's see and there we go the Polka fauna fun when distress by a big margin. Let's wait for the Galaxy S to finish, and now the Galaxy S is done, so the next game will be for tonight. Not fortnight.

We just try that the next game will be pop G mobile. There we go who's, going to win this test back off on f1 or Galaxy S. Let's see and did the polka phone f1 when distress yep. It goes to the poke of one, the galaxy. It is still loading.

So let's go back the next game. I'm gonna, try will be unclear there. We go. Let's see if the galaxy it a scan bit apocryphal on distress, the Pokémon f1 is done. You can see it's just not loading on the galaxy a8 s, another galaxy! It s is done.

The next game, I'm gonna load will be wrapped, RGB — there we go and the poking fun is done. So there you have it guys thumbs up, leave a comment below, and I'm out, bass.

Source : Tech1Tv

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