OnePlus 9 Vs Google Pixel 5 Speed Comparison By Tiny Alpaca

By Tiny Alpaca
Aug 14, 2021
OnePlus 9 Vs Google Pixel 5 Speed Comparison

Now, let's go ahead and do a little of a speed test between both these devices. Google Pixel 5 has a Qualcomm snapdragon, 765 g chipset, with eight gigabytes of ram on the only one model of this phone, but the OnePlus 9 has a Qualcomm snapdragon, 888 chipsets inside it with eight decks of ram on the base model and then 12 gigs of ram on the top tier model. So let's go and see which one is the faster phone between both of these okay. Now that we're back all the apps should be cleared out in the background, hopefully right now, so let me clear these out and go and clear these out. Okay, perfect, let's get started the OnePlus 8 and the OnePlus nine is just flying all over the place. Let's do phone calls three two one and about the same on both as you can see, the animation speeds are about the same hopping out too messages.

Three two one and the one plus nine seem to be pretty fast. There play store three two one and the one plus and the Google Pixel 5, actually was a little faster. They're scrolling through you guys, can see the scrolling speeds are roughly, I think, smoother overall on the OnePlus 9. As you guys could see, it seemed to be a little glitchy on the pixel five. So keep that in mind hopping over.

I have a bunch of these third-party apps. Let's do Snapchat three two one about the same, not a big difference at all fruit, ninja three, two one, and you can see the OnePlus 9 does seem to be faster. It already loaded up, and it took a while to get into this display on the Google Pixel 5. Hopping out of here. Let's go ahead and do snake versus blocks.3 2 and I already screwed that one up I'll load that up in the right management portion both three two one, one plus nine again- was the faster one hopping out of there, and I don't know where my apps or all my apps went on this device they like vanished. Let's do temple run two three two one, and you can see the OnePlus 9 is fairly fast.

I mean you can see the Google Pixel 5 is a little slow. I don't want to say the pixel 5 is a very slow phone, but you can see there's quite a bit of a difference between both of these devices, I'm getting into some gameplay. Let's see, if there's going to be a difference at all, and as always, I really don't think there's going to be that big of a difference once you're in the game itself, but that loading speed. Actually, I saw the OnePlus 9 kinds of glitch up a little, but you'd be surprised still how fast the Google Pixel 5 is helping out over here. Let's get into their cameras, three two one, the pixel 5 actually was pretty faster.

I don't know why the OnePlus 9 was so slow, chrome, 321 and different tracks are different, like I just saw tracks here different, you know pages, but roughly around the same, I would say I'll be kind of here. Let's see this one three two one, and I think the OnePlus 9 was over a little faster there. You can do YouTube music, three two one, I think, roughly faster on the OnePlus 9. I did kind of grab it before it was able to finish. Let's do YouTube three, two one for some reason: click on the Google Pixel 5.

, it's very strange, but let's go and get into some rand management. I mean, I think overall, the OnePlus 9 is probably the faster phone. But to be honest, if I wasn't comparing them side by side, I don't think I would notice that big of a difference other than maybe some heavier intensive games, even like something like temple run, which isn't that crazy intensive. There was a pretty big difference there, but I think other than that. Both these phones are still extremely fast.

I think the OnePlus 9, though, is the faster one, but it's not really that noticeable, if I'm being honest unless you're doing super heavier intensive tasks, so that pretty much covers the speed comparison. Let's go you.

Source : Tiny Alpaca

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