Metro by T-mobile vs Google Fi 5G Speedtest By Tito E

By Tito E
Aug 15, 2021
Metro by T-mobile vs Google Fi 5G Speedtest

So, while we're here waiting, let's go ahead and do a speed test all right. So this is metro on the OnePlus word n105g. Let's go ahead and run that speed test and see what we get there. We go lte2. So if you guys want to see what's up band 2- okay, let's do it, and we're off to the races- and this is the thing that I'm talking about, because when I had this sim in my pixel 5, I did not see speeds like this very interesting, very interesting matter of fact. I'll show you guys what google fly's 5g connection would be like.

Let's finish this speed test here, and I'm looking at 359 on the down 42.4 on the up- and yes, I am recording with the pixel 5 videocam all right. This video is shot with the OnePlus Nordic 105g connected to the band 66 plus 5g. So let's do a speed test on the pixel 5 on Google, phi and whoa. That's crazy, because when my metro sim is in the pixel 5, it doesn't get this high, and this is why I've been testing at the dealership um. That's actually pretty good speeds can't knock.

It can't knock these speeds 526 on the down 86.3 on the up. That's not bad.

Source : Tito E

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