The new iPads have lighter and when I first saw this feature, I had three questions about it, the first question being well. Does it actually work? So those are the laser notes coming off of the lighter, that's pretty cool and those are the laser beam shooter into my camera. The second question was: will the LIDAR make augmented reality a little better I know this may seem trivial, but that marker in the middle of the screen, is actually following the faces of the floor of the wall and this shoe thing which doesn't work as smoothing on other iOS devices, and the third question that I had was, will having a lighter, make augmented reality a little more useful overall I think for Apple it will be, but for the actual, iPad I'm, not quite so sure, so in the next few minutes. Well, I'm going to do a deep dive on LIDAR at mobile reviews, a Montana based all our videos on actual usage, which means actually trying to figure out. If the liar actually works. Now we could go just regurgitate the marketing fluff, but what's the point of a video, that's just that now.
Lidar stands for light detection and range now this technology really isn't that new on the iPad, since the do tap camera kind of uses, a formal ladder from my perspective, basically a LIDAR shoots, a bunch of lasers at a target, and then it just records the intensity and the time that it takes to get back to the sensor. Now ladder has been around commercially since I'll, say the late, 90s, really I think it really took off in the late 2000s, with the creation of very complex 3d models for engineering facility as building as well as 3d mapping, and for the last few years it's been a staple technology for automated driving cars. Now, as assignment when it comes to automated cars and Elon Musk and the Tesla's and stuff he thinks using LIDAR is dumb or cheating one of the two and as a side question. What was the first time you heard the term LIDAR I'll answer that at the end of the video, but I'll do all the good stuff before that now, with the new 20/20 iPad Pro Apple has included a lighter on the rear facing camera. Now it's not officially part of the pro-gamer system.
According to the website like it's got the pro and then below, it is LIDAR which is kind of why I didn't include the slider portion. In my last video now I spent several hours using a variety of different AR apps on the App Store and really couldn't find one that showed me anything unique about the lighter those AR apps on Apple's website are pretty cool and putting a waterfall down on the table is pretty neat, but we've been able to do that for a very, very long time. I really wanted to see something different with the LIDAR and a lot of those apps haven't actually been updating the last few months, so they're, probably not using laser beams to help them guide where the waterfall should go now. The only tool that showed me a visible improvement over the old iPads and actually all the other I/o stiffnesses I used, was Apple's own measure app. Have you used it? Yet it's not cool, but it's pretty useful.
If you just watch now, tickets in the next part, I spent way too much time measuring. Will help this table with an iPhone 7, a plus tennis max 11 pro max, as well as a 20-18 iPad and the new 20/20 iPad Pro now for each device? I would trace a table by was and around it record the measurements and then trace the object again by standing still now here's what this new device does better the iPad Pro not only snaps to corners, but also to straight edges. The second thing is that it also detects straight edges, which is cool and last one. That I'll say is that it can easily detect the faces of an object. Now one would assume that the newer devices like the 11pro Macs would produce better results, and that was not the case.
The iPhone, 7 and 8 actually were the simplest to use. They were the least fussy when it came to trying to figure out the corners and their idea of where they were their self-awareness in terms of 3d space. Wasn't that bad? It actually got worse as the Newark, as the devices got newer for some odd reason. The LIDAR on the iPad Pro allows it to really figure out where it is in 3d space, which is pretty cool. Now I was thinking that on the iPhone 11 Pro max I've got this seal leather case on it.
That's why it's so bright. I was thinking that, because there's so many cameras that it would do a bit of stereophotogrammetry, because you kind of it knows the distances between the cameras, so you're able to kind of figure out depth from it. But ya know it doesn't happen. The best example I can show you with the lighter, is well faced. Detection are like objects, for example, on this home pod box on the new iPad Pro it can detect the different faces of the Box.
You can't do that with the 2018 iPad and the iPhone 11 Pro still has a pretty hard time, trying to figure out what's being perpendicular to that surface. So that's the LIDAR in action. It actually works, which is pretty cool now. The reason why lighter produces better results, I think can be explained through passive imaging and active imaging on all the other iOS devices, including the 11pro Macs. Everything is done through passive imaging, so it's just collecting information as it falls on its sensor, and then it's like this is what I think it is its my best guess it's a pretty good guess now with LIDAR.
It's actually because I don't want to say physically touching, but it is sending laser beams, and it's recording those laser beams back. So it's interacting with the device that you're trying to scan. It's almost like me, looking at Monty and being like I think that's a ROG I think that is a ROG sitting on a chair. That's what you guys see! You guys see Monty a ROG sitting on a chair, but you don't know that you're just passively absorbing that information for me. I can go and physically and touch him and know that this is Monty sitting on a chair now before we get to the rest of this video.
This first time watching one of my videos I do encourage you to click Subscribe. Do a lot of product reviews, product tech, videos? This is part of the coronavirus series, which is me producing content every single day so set it once a week, it's seven times a week, which means it's a lot more work now, as the site owner as I was trying to figure out all this AR stuff. If you, google, an animal, you might actually get an AR animal and that works on these smartphones, but not those tablets, I, don't know why and the only reason why I know this is, as I was doing this video. My kid asked me to draw him a penguin I was like I have no idea what a penguin looks like, so I decided to look up an image, and it's like hey it's an AR, penguin I can go look at it's an augmented reality. Still then help me draw it, but you know just so you guys know so many things I learned in this video.
The measure app actually detects surfaces, not surfaces like objects and like windows and stuff, which is pretty neat. Another example how great the iPad Pro does and trying to figure out where it is in space, is that if you take the measure app and you for this table, anyways I discover that if you just point at it, you could actually just have. The measure have automatically created your rectangle instead of me having to trace it out with this 11pro. It did a pretty good job of trying to figure out the space where it was, but then, when I moved it around it, just like it just fell apart, it didn't even get the like that mentions right. It was like four times the size so on your iOS devices.
Give that a try. If you got a table just like hold it over the top, and they'll try to figure out what the rectangle it doesn't, a perfect job of rectangles. So how useful is the lighter for an R on the iPad? It's it works. I've just shown you that, but I don't know how useful it is, and my biggest problem with all of this is that, despite the fact that I can project a penguin on the floor, is that I don't think it's really ignited reality? It's an alternate reality because I'm still interacting with that reality through a device right, my hands are still tethered to this device. So like doing this all the time everywhere, that's I, don't think.
That's augmented reality like I think for augmented reality to really succeed for us and businesses and normal consumers to really see the benefit of it has to be on our glasses and our hands have to be free, because then it's not my arms and my device. Interacting with that reality. It's just my eyes right, I'm, just going to go look at this in things chart to show up in order for that to happen, we need to have that technology. I know Google, glasses and Google glasses to have a good kick at the can to it's the Microsoft Holocene I think is doing fairly well, but you know: what's going to wear the Holocene in public would be walking around and unless you're a terrible geek, you know it might as well. I might as well just be wearing a hockey helmet, while I Drive people are just gonna.
Look at me very, very funny. I know what lighter it's kind of like a trickle in technology. I, don't know how it gets not usually I bet, I, don't think what would be useful in the iPhone 12. Maybe you know smaller form factor a little easier to use the measurements and everything, but it's still you're interacting with the devices really not meant in reality. My perspective I think the third step that Apple needs to take after introducing lighter to us now.
That's the second step is that they need to be able to put it in their eye bifocals or eye lenses or eye goggles or eye Google's. The next thing so that our hands again are free to do whatever we need to do, and the information just kind of shows up on her face and I think when we get to that point, that will be the apex of AR, because that will be the perfect intersection of our physical world where we are now and the digital world, which is what you're watching this video on it'd. Be that perfect intersection that apex. That is where AR should go, because AR apps right now are kind of lame. Hey our games are completely dumb and that's all I got for my opinions on AR.
So the first time watching one of my videos that do encourage you click subscribe. This is part of the coronavirus series where I produce content every single day. This is a brutal video to produce, so I'm gonna. It's 7 o clock in the morning. I'm going to try to produce this in five hours, so yeah click subscribe, because, ya, doing awesome things on this channel thanks for watching.
So the first time I was introduced to the term LIDAR was in 1995. I was a sprightly Sprays. The wrong word: I was 14 years old, and I learned about this term from this show called space above and beyond I loved that show as a kid and the only reason why I loved it was that it played at times that I could use the TV I wasn't allowed to watch a lot of TV, and so none of my parents are shows we're in that time. Slot second was that all the females were clothed that pair. That was a big thing for my bub.
The third thing was that it was on a sci-fi channel and I didn't tell my parents was the science fiction, Channel I said it's the Science Channel and my parents, being the Asian tiger parents that they were they're like oh he's, watching a good intellectual television show yeah kind of yeah, but no, but there was this episode where they, the enemy, had this stealth fighter, and they're like it doesn't show up on our LIDAR sensors cool sounds so awesome and then, eight years later, when I was doing LIDAR for work, and it's just like there's actually almost no way that you could have a LIDAR radar in space. Maybe I, don't know I'm still kind of working through that, but that's kind of the first time I was introduced, lighter how about you guys think'll in the comments section below, and hopefully it's not this video, and if it is this video I'm glad that I was the one to introduce you to Later, so the new iPad LIDAR. So that's how LIDAR so the new iPad, some LIDAR and say Knight, are really weird. So new iPads have LIDAR there you, so the new iPads have lighter and when I first saw this feature, I had three questions above it. So the next few minutes well I'm gonna, do a deep dive on my dark, still saying that weird Apple by refusing Monte and I base all our videos on actual usage, unlike other tech channels, that just regurgitate marketing, fluff well I, don't know how we actually win against them since I'm, actually doing it.
They just regurgitate marketing fluff and even the iPhone 11 Pro has a pretty hard time trying to figure out. What's in the boxes on, can you hear that crow? That's so good? No me what they lied are the act is the image, and this is what I think the image is or isn't with active imaging it's going to be like yeah. This is the image. This is what I am doing and touching house great we're going to try this explanation through the last time. So the reason why I'm lighter so how useful is the AR really I'm, still recording honestly AR for businesses is a big thing, but even then I don't know how useful it is right.
The biggest problem when it comes to all the supplemented reality is that most businesses do not have a good data model. In order to build this technology yeah it looks cool, but the amount of work that it takes to build something that can do that AR stuff. You need to have them amazing data model. Amazing data management, amazing information attitude- so that's all stuff that I used to do as a consultant in most these business, even these gigantic oil and gas companies make head or if it's money buckets, but the tip back, then they told me I'm going to have such poor information management practices like you would think, yeah I'm not gonna, get into it, so I just see that dot, matrix will say or the points from the laser scanner. This is actually my first video camera that I bought in 2001, so that's 19 years ago, and I'm glad I didn't throw away.
This is the iPad Pro and right now, I've got it on the measure tool, and you can't really tell, but it's spilling stuff out from there. But if we go turn off all the lights, you can definitely see on the old camcorder. The dots coming off of the yeah I've had Pro, we being right into it, Men to the sensor, probably not good for it, but that's pretty neat so guys. I just want to elaborate on how I was able to capture kind of that that dot pattern coming off of the ladder. This is a home camera, as I said before it's almost twenty years old, and they have this thing.
It's a Sony called night shot, and it's not night vision per se. It is the sensor is just sensitive to infrared light, and so, with the lighter, the laser dots that come off of the Sent, the emitter can be read by these infrared, sensitive cameras, and so that's kind of how I've been able to capture the infrared or the laser dot pattern, and it's kind of hard to see. I gonna kick this with my foot and turn the light off again, but there is a lot of other patterns that come off in like it's just not the square. It's also some other reflection. So it's a pretty big diameter in terms of all the information that the iPad Pro is collecting.
So that's kind of how I was able to capture that image.
Source : MobileReviewsEh