Hey guys, john from phone arena I have Phil here with Kyocera, is going to show us a cool thing with this Kyocera device here, just show you what optician conduction it's a new technology that is Kyocera proprietary, so this is basically replacing the customary speaker or earpiece that you have on a phone, a lot of problems going to earpieces hard to hear, and you got to have that lined up with your hook, your ear canal, this prototype device, which is CBC here, is absolutely no earpiece at all. This relies on a new technology called tissue conduction, so essentially what it does the sense vibrations within the phone directly to your eardrum, allowing you to hear in loud environments, situations where you normally would not be able to hear you'd have to run outside a lot to take the call okay. So what I'm going to do is we have two audio files that were playing and if, if I hear, if I Holdings up.
Source : PhoneArena