iPhone XS Max stuck on 0% remaining while charging!0% remaining battery solution. By Thegsmsolution

By Thegsmsolution
Aug 14, 2021
iPhone XS Max stuck on 0% remaining while charging!0% remaining battery solution.

This is one of the worst problem that can be seen on iPhone that mostly happen after battery placement or dropped. One. The third-party battery and weak battery connector and careless and works creates such a huge must. First, we have to understand why this happens. The very first we go to battery have mostly four pins. Horn is positive.

Another is negative, and remaining two pins are ship hi. This is Akash and welcome to our new videos on the topic. iPhone access max battery, not charging while insert sizer, shows zero percent. Remaining ski means signal wire interface. When the device want to query the battery data, then this line play the main role.

If that data line is not connected properly or broken, iPhone fail to get bad represents and battery health nurse and the remaining battery zero percent sold, while on charging motherboard, cannot tell how much the battery is charged. This is a number of issues that you faced on daily motherboard micro, soldering jobs. The biggest problem by far is lack of understanding is all we are on learning phase that learning on the jobs gives experience we collect and share with you through our videos, remove battery and remove all flags. If you use through tool, you can clearly see that battery life is not present or shown. No data means there is problem on battery or motherboard.

So, let's say on battery connector of faulty one. The ground resistance of both saw are far different. The ground resistance of both saw are far different, but on working on there is slightly different. You here are the problem on internal side of swirl line. Let's take the track and found here you can see on parties with broken.

Pin that cause not connecting to PCB properly do remove this here on, pin is missing that connected to ski line or on battery connector. So I make a jumper and make a track. You see, I put the same IC around the position with Donald bars. Finally, that job is done if the artist stuff is helpful, don't forget to like share with friends and subscribe to support us, hello, everyone. This is Akash from the GSM solution and peace out till the next time.


Source : Thegsmsolution

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