iPhone X vs Pixel 2 XL SPEED Test By SuperSaf

By SuperSaf
Aug 14, 2021
iPhone X vs Pixel 2 XL SPEED Test

What's of YouTube's a fear on super-safe TV and welcome to the detail, speed tests, oops a style between the iPhone and 10 versus the Google Pixel to excel. So when the usual style we'll be looking at benchmark, scores, then camera launch and then moving on to some regular social apps. Then some games and finishing off with RAM management. Now both devices have been updated to the latest software version available. At the time of this, video and both devices also have a high resolution, but you are working with more pixels on the pixel to Excel will be interesting to see if this will have an effect on the actual performance, and it's going to customize the look of your iPhone 10 or pixel to excel, like I've done here, then definitely check out our sponsor for this video D brand skins, I'm going to be leaving a link to them in the description below now kicking off with Geek bench scores. For those of you interested to see, the iPhone school is quite a bit higher, both in the single and multi cool areas, and we'll see how much this translates to real-world performance.

Now the camera launched using the quickest method to launch both cameras, both super quick, but if you slow this down, it looks like the iPhone was never so slightly quicker compared to the pixel. Now, moving on to the app test, you can see that we've got no other apps open in the background on either devices we're starting off with Twitter, which did load a faster on to be pixel to Excel going into my notifications pretty much neck and neck moving on to Instagram. That was very close, maybe a tad quicker on the pixel and opening up. My profile was quick on the iPhone opening up an image was slightly quick on the pixel, but we did have an animation on the iPhone moving on to the pages' manager. That was slightly quicker on the iPhone and now YouTube's quicker on the pixel playing a video, also quick on the pixel, so very, very close.

So far, let's move on to the games. Now you can notice this timer here at the bottom, and that's going to tell us exactly how long each of these take to load up these games. We're start off with Angry Birds 2, which does load up faster on the iPhone and comes in about a second later on the pixel moving on tomorrow. You run quick on the iPhone, but only by a split-second playing the game, quick on the iPhone again, but only ever so slightly so very, very close, so far, moving on a sonic ?, quick on the iPhone again, but very close playing the game again, quick on the iPhone, but very, very close, moving on Temple Run, ?, yep iPhone, and this time comes in a couple of seconds later on to the pixel we'll play the game and let's move on to subway surface iPhone again comes in a couple of seconds later on the pixel I'm, now moving on to dead, trigger 2, very quick on the iPhone and a few seconds later on the pixel. This time claims the game, and it is the iPhone again pixel comes in about five seconds later, so it looks like the gap is increasing between loading times as we load more and more games up now.

We're going to move on to asphalt, 8, very quick on the iPhone about five seconds later, so it took twice the amount of time on the pixel on our final game. Here, Real Steel, we have loaded up quite a few games, but this is meaning to test the round management later iPhone and a few seconds later, the pixel, and we're going to play the game, and yet again it is the iPhone so for all the games, the iPhone was quicker. Now we're going to test that round management, so we're going to go on to asphalt.8, that's still in the same place on both devices dead, trigger 2, still open on both subway surf is yep still the same on both temper 1 2, ok, Temple, Run 2 does have to reload on the pixel. It is still open on the iPhone, and we can resume it there as well. Now we're going to play the game here on the pixel just to make things fair, and now we're going to move on to Sonic -.

Aha, it doesn't need to reload completely on both devices. Now Mario run also has to reload completely on both devices. So it looks like 4 to 5. Games is the max that you can keep open before both of them start closing off early raps, Angry, Birds ? once again does have to be reloaded on both devices. Now, let's have a look at some regular apps to see if those are still open, YouTube still open on the iPhone it does have to refresh on the pixel, although it is in the same place.

Moving on to pages manager has to reload on both completely Instagram now we're in the same place on the pixel, but it has to completely reload on the iPhone and finally Twitter in the same place on the pixel and also in the same place on the iPhone, although it didn't have to reload. So some very interesting results here when it came to regular social apps. It was a bit of a draw with someone's going to the pixel on someone's going to the iPhone, but when it came to games they did all load up faster on the iPhone now this may be partly because we are working with a high resolution on the pixel to excel, so it does have to deal with more pixels. How many came to ram management? Neither of these are great, but the iPhone did keep one more game open compared to the pixel. Now this isn't something we're used to seeing on previous versions of iOS as well as Android.

So it looks like because both of these are running the latest versions. They still need some time to be completely optimized, and we can redo this test in maybe a month time. Let me know if you'd like to see that in the comments below also, let me know what you thought of this test and the results. I hope you enjoyed this video and found it useful. If you did them, please do hit that thumbs up on.

For me, we just help me out and if you have already then be sure to subscribe and switch your notifications, we've got lots more content coming up on here. Thanks for watching this is staff on super staff. TV I'll see you next time.

Source : SuperSaf

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