*I MEAN... WELL* Redmi Note 9S vs Galaxy A20 Speedtest! By Maxiroc

By Maxiroc
Aug 21, 2021
*I MEAN... WELL* Redmi Note 9S vs Galaxy A20 Speedtest!

What is going on everybody in masks. Wow, welcome back to a brand-new video. Today, we're going to be doing a speed test between you, Redmi Note: 9 s in the galaxy 820 stay tuned intro. This really here. This is gonna, be the Redmi Note, 9 s going up against the galaxy 820 and to get things started. I want to discuss these specifications on paper for each device.

Now, with the Redmi Note 9 s here, we had the snapdragon 720 inside this device, along with the Adrian 618 for the GPU. Now you also get four gigs of ram you 64 gigs of internal storage and out of the box. The device is gonna, be running Android 10, with security patch of May 1st 2020. Now with the galaxy 820 here on the right side, we're going to have a Samsung, Enos processor inside, not sure the exact model make, but it's going to be an outscore chipset here and for the GPU is gonna, be a Mallet G 71. Now this device in particular, comes with three gigs of ram and 32 gigs of internal storage and out of the box.

The device is gonna, be running. Android 9 with security patch of May 1st 2020. Now as far as the specifications on paper for each device. Here it has to go to the Redmi Note night as that's a little more ran a little more internal storage and the CPU inside the red we know 9s is a little more powerful than the one. That's decided the galaxy 820.

So that's right now we have to declare that wanting to be the Redmi Note, Knight s with a score of 1 and the galaxy 820 having a score of 0. Let's get to the next part. Now with the next part of the speeds has here what we're going to be doing. Is the application open in RAM management test? So basically, what that is where I open up the same application on each device to see which one can open up the application faster and afterwards I test the RAM to see which device can hold the application that we open in the background better. So let's go out and get that started right now, so the first application 100 it up here- is Play Store in three two one that goes to the Redmi Note 9s, the next application we're going to open up here is YouTube.

So three, two one Redmi Note 9s the next application. We're going to open up here is Amazon. So three two ones. It goes to the Redmi Note 9s, the next application. We're going to open up here is Best Buy.

So three, two one Redmi Note 9s again. So now, let's jump over to social media here we're going to do Facebook in three two one right me: no 9s Instagram in three two, a little of a struggle on the read me: let's see what happens? No ramie, no 9s ? takes it. The next application I'm going to open up here is Reddit. So three, two one Redmi Note 9s the next application. We're going to open up here is twitter.

So three two one that goes to the Redmi Note 9s, the next application we're going to open up here is Netflix. So three two one give assertive: Redmi Note: 9s and the final application we're going to open up, there's going to be Spotify and three two one I go so to read me know 9s. So, as you saw that the Redmi Note 9s open up every single application faster, they need galaxy 820 here, so pretty much a landslide. Let's go ahead and test the ran to see which device can hold the applications that they both open better in a background play store. How about a Redmi Note: 9s YouTube: how about a right mean? No tonight s Amazon? How about a Redmi Note! Best Buy he'll buy both Facebook.

How about a Remi Instagram? How about a read me? Read it: how about a read me Twitter? How about Redmi Note Netflix, how about a Redmi Note and last but not least, Spotify? How about a Redmi Note. So, as you saw there with the application opening random animal tested, the Redmi Note, 9 s absolutely destroyed the galaxy age, winning it every single aspect. Opening up the application is holding an application better in the background with a ram. So there's no need for me to even keep going and talking here. The score is gonna, be two for the Redmi Note 9s and zero for the galaxy 820, let's get to the next part, so for the next part of these beats has here we're gonna, compare the two to benchmark numbers, the Geek bench numbers and also run a speed test why each device is on the same Wi-Fi network.

So let's get that started now with the an tutu benchmark here on each device you can see in the Redmi Note 9s we got a score of two hundred and fifty-two thousand five sixty-three and then the galaxy 820. We got a score of 120 5256, so almost if not definitely double what the galaxy 20 got as far as the u2 to fish mark scores. So without any question that goes to the Redmi Note 9s now with the keeping scores in each device, you can see that we got a single core score on the Redmi Note, 9s of 567 and a multi-core score of 1722 Wow on the galaxy 20. We got a score of 272 for the single core and the multi-core score of nine. Eighty-five, similar to did to tube Mich mark is going to be a landslide once again for the Redmi Note 9s, let's go ahead and do that speed test really quickly here and see which device can pull down the faster data speeds.

Let's just go ahead and run this B test here to see which device can pull down a faster data speeds and three two. So, as you can see, with the Redmi Note 9s, we got 28.7 on the down speed in 21.4 on the up speed and if you look at the galaxy 820, we got 31.3 on a down and 21.8 on the up. So when it comes to data speeds, the galaxy 20 trunks via Redmi Note 9s, but because it one year to do benchmarking, deep friendship, part of the test here, another W is gonna, have to go to the Redmi Note 9s. So, as a right now, we got a score of 3 for the Redmi Note, 9s and 0 for the galaxy, a 20 so with this next part is been test here. What we're going to be doing is the application install test in which I install three of the top applications here in the Play Store to see which device can install the application faster and once the device wins ? or installed super those three applications faster than the other.

They are declared the winner first application we want to do here is zoom and three two ones. Alright, the Redmi Note 9s look like is going to. Yes, it has defeated the galaxy 20, let's get to the next step, and so the next application we're going to install here is HBO Max. So three two one who do we think is going to win this one here. So it's currently installing on both devices- and that goes to the Redmi Note.9 s came back to take the w. So as per rules, it installed two of those three applications that I was gonna start with devices faster than the galaxy 20.

So as of right now we have to score a 4 for the Redmi Note night s and 0 for the galaxy 820 so out. My galaxy mask why movers aren't upset right now, because 820 was it just wasn't able to hang. Unfortunately, it's got to get to the final part of this B test here and close the video out. So with the final part of my speech. That's here what I do is to simply do a reboot on each device by turning devices on and off to see which one can power on faster and I.

Don't want to talk too much, let's go and get that started right now in three two one, and that goes to the galaxy, a 20, so math squad, as you saw there in a speed test, video between the Redmi Note night nests and the galaxy 820 things were pretty much one-sided. Now with the UM paper test, the Redmi Note is clearly taken that when it had the fastest e-peen sided device snapped like a 720, and I also had a little more RAM in a ton of storage. Now, when it came to the application in store and management, part of it says that's where the Rebel known that has actually taken things, no issues, every single application that I threw had both devices were open faster on the Redmi Note 9s, and it seems as if only one of the two applications were able to be held in the background on the galaxy 820 versus the Redmi Note 9s now, with a can't do to benchmark numbers and the geek maneuvers. That was clearly another victory for the Grammy know tonight, as I don't even want to discuss the speed test numbers because, yes, the galaxy 820 did get a little faster down up low speeds, but in the grand scheme of things not a big deal now, when I can't see the application installed test, that's where things got a little sketchy towards the end. Now, with the first application.

That was very easy for the Redmi Note. Is it took that one no problem, but things got a little close when it came to the HBO of max, maybe about a one or two seconds difference. But the fact remains. The same I've had me known as took that w and when it came to the final category of the speech s video here, the Galaxy aids, when he did take that w, so it wasn't a complete shutout, which is something that kind of surprised me based on how the video was going. I knew for sure with galaxy it's when it was a pretty fast rebooting phone, and so the fact that I actually got a W made me feel a little good.

So all the galaxy users who are in Mac squat here don't feel too bad. It's just this one wasn't really up to this one here so math squad. Let me know in the comment section below: did you think the galaxy eights when he had a chance to get there as I did towards the beginning of the video, of course, but as things kept going on, it became a little. Now came a little more clear that the Redmi Note 9 s was gonna, be taking his w with no issue, no matter what like this video so that other people, just like you, can get a little more help when it comes to research and devices like the Redmi Note, 9 s and made galaxy 820, and if you're new to the channel here consider subscribing so that when it comes to future videos or additional coverage with devices like the red mean of 9s and the galaxy 820, you won't miss those videos but math squad. Please share this video with your friends and family.

Let them know that not all enjoy cameras suck, and it's just not true, but it's her then my name is max rot. Thank you for watching this. Video have a good day. You all do say.

Source : Maxiroc

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