Huawei P40 Pro vs Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra - USAGE COMPARISON By TechZG

By TechZG
Aug 14, 2021
Huawei P40 Pro vs Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra - USAGE COMPARISON

So, if you clicked on this video you're, probably asking yourself is the hardware on the p40 Pro. So amazingly good is the camera so amazingly good that I would actually consider getting that over a Google, enabled Samsung flagship or other flagship phone. That's the question: I'm gonna, try and answer in this video well I have gone with this quad curved design and apparently Samsung were toying with the idea of doing this as well, but ditched the idea, because it wasn't perfected and yeah I kind of understand their reasoning. I see where Huawei are going with this design and I. Think in general, the quad curved display that is curving. The glass of the screen on the left and right on the top and bottom and in the corners is going to look amazing when it is perfected for right now, I think the design is a first generation type.

It looks really amazing. The screen just looks really great, however, in the corners, because they can't curve the glass the corner, bezels look a little dorky and definitely stand out a little. It doesn't look a hundred percent elegant as the way that a quad curve should do I guess once they get the corners right. It's gonna look absolutely brilliant, but for right now, I kind of understand why Samsung thing go with this, but while I have gone with it and I do commend them for trying something new. Furthermore, it still looks amazing.

In any case, the p40 pro is actually quite a small and compact feeling device as well. It is a little thicker than the s20 ultra, but it's a lot smaller. The screen is smaller and in general it does feel like a one-handed type of device. They've made it more compact, it feels even more compact than the P30 Pro the fingerprint sensors are both flagship grade. The p40 Proteus optical, the s20 ultras, is ultrasonic, but apart from that difference, the unlocking speeds are insignificant.

They are both very good. What I did notice, though, is that the p40 Pro puts the fingerprint sensor quite high up on the screen. It's really, really high up almost in the middle of the screen, which does feel kind of awkward. Sometimes I would have preferred it a little lower on the screen, for example, where the s20 ultra put it I, don't know why they put it there, but it's definitely really high up comparatively to pretty much all other phones. One thing you also get with that curved display at the bottom is the Huawei I've had to crush down the bottom bezel components, so the speaker and the USB connector just are a little lower.

It's not really a big difference, but it's just interesting to see how they had to do it when it comes to the bezels in the front, camera I prefer personally in the s20 ultras, because it's smaller and in the middle, the Huawei p40 Pro just has a gigantic notch, and you really can't miss. It is massive. They feel a depth sensor in there in an infrared sensor, but there's no ultra-high camera and there's no face ID 3d ID technology. So it's a huge bezel for just one useful front camera. The p40 pros colors are a little more vibrant in this picture, but just look how both cameras make the background really naturally blurry they have really natural bouquet and I would say there isn't one better or worse than the other.

The colors are slightly different, but both very natural, because they both have two very big sensors I. Think the p40 pro actually missed focus in this picture of the cone. But if you look at the tree in the background, you can see the p40 Pro uses HDR to brighten up the leaves, whereas those leaves are still a little darker on the s20 ultra. This is again evident here. Where you can see.

The darker parts of the image on the p40 Pro are definitely brightened up using HDR, where they're allowed to be a little darker on the s20 ultra. This is on the ultra-wide and noticed how wide the s20 ultras image, as is compared to the p40 pros, because the p40 uses the ultra-wide, mainly as a video camera. It doesn't have such a wide angle on its ultra-wide, so it definitely is far wider on the s20 ultra and on other finds main image sensor. Photography is what the Huawei really focused on. This image looks amazing on the Huawei there's just so much contrast and grain in the image.

It's a unique look, and it really stands out for me again. The s20 ultra is just keeping the dark areas of the image slightly darker I, actually really like the colors and the exposure on that as well as we move through the zoom ranges. I would say that the s20 ultra just keeps a little more of a rich color in the image, as is compared to the p40 pro up to 10 times. Zoom I think they both do really well in 230 times in which this picture is I, think they just both get a little noisy a little. Oil painting is the s20 alto kept more natural colors.

This is how I perceived the red on that fire hydrant, whereas the red on the p40 Pro seems a little manufactured. It definitely wasn't that color in real life, the lighting conditions, are actually quite dark. When I was photographing. This statue, as we zoom into five times, they're, both using their periscope zoom cameras, because the s20 ultra uses a really high megapixel image sensor under there. I think that it does actually keep a little more detail.

It is very close, however, and you could argue that there's a little more processing on the s20 ultras, which creates a slightly sharper image, but that looks like digital sharpening and this example shows you how incredibly amazingly night mode is on the p40 Pro. The foreground was a really low light situation. It was dark and the background was very, very bright and blown out in normal photo mode, which this is. You can see, there's actually a really natural look and change between the shadows and the highlights. In the background.

You can, however, see that the s20 ultra keeps the darker parts of the image slightly darker than the Huawei, which has recognized those and tried to push the exposure up a little when we switch the night mode. You can see the p40 pro just changes completely. There's this rich texture in the image it looks grainy it looks like they have this amazing magic in the camera. That really puts a ton of different exposures together and creates this amazing looking image. The foreground is exposed incredibly well now.

The dynamic range is incredible between everything: it keeps the shadows and the light parts', but everything is exposed properly. It's really it is difficult to explain, but just looks really great when it comes to video. However, I tend to lean towards the s20 ultras I think the colors are a little richer, a little more saturated. It is kind of more pleasing to my eye anyway, also notice that the p40 Pro records off the ultra-wide camera as standard. That is what you'll be recording off.

If you switch the video camera, whereas the s20 ultra uses its main lens, you can of course switch to the ultra-wide on the s20 ultra very easily, but it doesn't default to that in general. I think the s20 ultra is more pleasing for me personally. I'll do like the colors and the exposure of it, but the p40 Pro does a very good job and they both go to 4k up to 60 frames. A second, the s20 ultra does have a 8k option as well, but I don't think most people are going to be using that anyway. So the light sources from the top right-hand side you can see on the p40 Pro, it's actually slightly overexposed on the light parts of my face where the light is hitting it on the s20 ultra.

It looks much more natural. Much more like an actual camera took it. The highlight. Roll off is very natural. You can see the p40 Pro tries to make real life look better than it is.

It tries to make everything stand out more poppy, more vibrant colors when it comes to the power and gaming of the two phones, I think the s20 ultra does still a little march on the p40 pro, mainly because of two reasons. The first is that it has a 120 Hertz display, which is pretty much the best spec you can, they get, and you know Samsung makes those great displays, also I'm, using the Snapdragon version of the s20 ultra, so it does beat the p40 pro in terms of benchmarks. In any case, you can play pub G on the highest settings on the p40 probe and the s20 ultra as well yeah that high refresh rate on the s20 ultra a strange thing, I found with a p40 pro, is because of the curved display at the top. There is no earpiece and no speaker up there. Actually, when you're viewing videos or listening to music, it will only use the bottom firing speaker and give you a mono speaker experience the only time the audio comes out of the top is when you're listening to an earpiece type of audio.

So if you're on a phone call or if you're listening to audio recordings in a chat message app, when you raise it to your ear, it will come out with an audio there. But there's no speaker. The quality is okay, not as good as a real speaker, though the s20 ultra isn't much better I, don't think it has the best audio on a smartphone, but there is a tiny little earpiece up there and when you do listen to audio, it will come out of both of the speaker boxes in the phone. Both of the phones have very good strengths and very few weaknesses. The photography on the p40 pro.

That is the main reason for this phone night mode and photographs. Just look fantastic, I think the s20 ultra as a flagship phone overall just performs so well in pretty much every area and also has that amazing 100, let's display which for right now, just can't be beaten, subscribe for the latest tech news and videos. That's it for now, but I'll see you in the next one.

Source : TechZG

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