Huawei P20 Pro vs iPhone X SPEED Test By SuperSaf

By SuperSaf
Aug 15, 2021
Huawei P20 Pro vs iPhone X SPEED Test

What's of YouTube's a fear on super-safe TV, and it's not just not the iPhone 10 versus the Huawei P 20 Pro speed test, so we're going to be doing a bunch of tests when we're looking at benchmark scores, testing out some regular social apps, then moving on to games and finishing off with the RAM management, so without wasting any time getting straight into it. Looking at benchmark scores, the iPhone 10 scores very much higher compared to the p20 Pro. The single core score is actually more than double, and the multi-core score is also significantly higher. Now how this all translates into real-world performance, of course, we're going to find out. So here are the apps that we'll be using. You can see that we have nothing open in the background on both devices we're starting off with Twitter, and that was quicker on the p20 probe, going into my notifications, slightly quicker on the iPhone 10 moving on to Instagram.

That was slightly quicker on the p20 prod, see my profile slightly quicker on the iPhone 10, opening up an image pretty much neck and neck. Now, let's move on to Facebook pages manager quicker on the p20 prole when I scroll down, and we're leaving all these apps open YouTube. Now, let's pick on the p20 Pro, although we've got slightly different content on each of these, so let's go on to the trending tab, and we're going to find a video that doesn't have any adverts, so here's the west-world trailer and that was pretty much neck-and-neck I- would say so very close. So far, now, let's move on to game you'll notice here that we've got a timer at the bottom and that's going to tell us exactly how long each of these take to load up these games. An Angry Birds 2 was quicker on the p20 Pro coming in a few seconds later on the iPhone 10, we're going to leave this open and let's move on to my run.

Once again, we do have this timer, which is gonna, tell us exactly how long, each these take very close, just a fraction of a second quicker on the p20 pro we're going to play the game, and that was quicker on the iPhone at 10 by a few seconds. Now, let's move on to Sonic ? neck-and-neck there, nothing in between these two now playing the game. It is slightly quicker on at the iPhone 10 tempo run to very quick on the iPhone 10 coming in a few seconds later on the p20 Pro, we're going to play the game, and we're going to leave this open. Let's move on to subway surfers once again, very, very quick on the iPhone 10 looks very well optimized. This game does now: let's play the game dead, trigger 2, once again, very quick for the intro screen on the iPhone 10 playing the game, iPhone 10, yet again so for the later games, the Clinton does seem to be performing very, very well.

The p20 Pro comes in quite a few seconds later here. Moving on to asphalt, 8, iPhone, 10, again, P 20 Pro comes in a few seconds later now, our final game, real steel, Robot, Wars and yes, I know we are loading up quite a few games and the reason for this is most games are pretty much the same on both platforms and this mix test as far as possible, and also they will help us to look at RAM management was quicker on the iPhone 10. Let's play the game once again, faster on the iPhone 10, so some interesting results so far. Let's go ahead and test that around management, so we're going to see how many of these apps are still open. Asphalt.8 is open on both all the way it did take a couple of seconds for the p20 Pro to load it up again dead trigger 2, exactly the same place. Subway surf is just where we left it.

We can resume the game temper unto in the same place. Once again, we can resume the game. Sonic ?, a hat. This does have to reload on the iPhone and 10. It is exactly where we left it on the p20 Pro that we do have more RAM on the p20 Pro, which seems to be helping here.

Mary run. This is also close and what's interesting is earlier on. The p20 Pro did load up a couple of the games faster compared to the iPhone 10, but later the iPhone 10 loaded up the games faster. So I wonder if this is because the iPhone was closing down. Some previous games, like we can see here angry best to has been closed on the iPhone 10, whereas it is open on the p20 Pro.

So this might be a contributing factor why some later games did load up quite a bit faster on the iPhone 10 at later stage going onto YouTube. It is exactly where we left it on the p20 pro, but the app has we loaded on the iPhone 10 pages manager once again exactly where we left it under P 20 parole and has to reload completely on the iPhone 10 Instagram yep same situation. It's on the image that where we left it on the p20 pro, but it has to completely reload on the iPhone 10 struggling to reload here again now, let's move on to Twitter anyway. Twitter is and notifications on both, but it did have to reload on at the iPhone 10. So there we have it guys.

The speed test between the iPhone at 10 on the waterway, P, 20, Pro I, think both phones did perform well overall, pretty much neck and neck for the social apps. But when it came to games, most games did open quicker on the iPhone 10. Now this does seem to be because they are better optimized for iOS, but also possibly because the iPhone does close down some earlier apps in order to allocate more RAM to the newer apps that we were opening and therefore the RAM management for the p20 pro was definitely much better, keeping all the apps open in the background or as these walk clothes on at the iPhone 10. What did you think of these results? Definitely drop me a comment below and let me know, I hope you enjoyed this video about it useful. If you did then do it that thumbs up on for me and if you haven't already then be sure to subscribe and switch your notifications there's lots more super safe style content coming up on here, thanks for watching this is SAP on super-safe, TV, and I'll.

See you next time.

Source : SuperSaf

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